Flag Counter 普羅米修斯與潘朵拉-核能科技的沉思

Prometheus and Pandora - Reflections on Nuclear Technology



自立早報 1990-02-05 (上)
自立早報 1990-02-06 (下)



提出這段神話,無意冒犯女性讀者。只是用以闡釋西方世界對於能源科技的看法; 普羅米修斯盜取天火,使人獲得生氣與活力,因而觸犯天神,被鐵鏈囚於高加索山,鷲鷹天天啄其肝臟,但是新肉隨即生成,由於生命永續,終日受鷹啄之苦。潘朵拉的故事則說明人類對知識的好奇,有時不是福祉而是災禍。核能科技,便是典型事例。










反核勢力有一股聲浪,指責台電壟斷核能知識,濫用專家暴力,甚至意圖欺瞞社會大眾。這種論調,不但使台電有口難言,有時更會誤導民眾,造成管制核能科技的印象。 就知識層面而言,現代通訊技術發達,任何有心想了解核能科技的人,不僅可自教育或研究機構習得相關知識,更可透過各種資訊網路向世界各地的核能專家討教或交換研究心得。

















諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,人工智慧研究者,赫伯•賽門(Herbert A. Simon)認為科技是人類的知識,就像普羅米修斯從眾神盜取的火種,基本上是人所必需的。如果人類和潘朵拉一樣,忍受不了好奇心的誘惑,箱子打開,蓋不回去,災難和罪惡全跑出來,即使還有希望,後果仍舊不堪設想。當我們開發新的科技,不應把它視為征服自然或宇宙的武器而急著去應用。換句話說,即使知道某些東西的製造方法,最好還是稍安勿躁,至少應先了解該不該製造,能否收放自如。


Prometheus and Pandora - Reflections on Nuclear Technology

By Tony Chang

Long ago, there were only men in the world without women. Prometheus cared for humans meticulously; he not only taught them to build shelters but also stole fire from the heavens to bestow upon them. He devised cunning plans, allowing humans to claim the choice portions of sacrifices while the gods only got to devour the fat and bones. The gods, unwilling to be deceived, devised a plan for revenge by sending the young and beautiful Pandora to accompany men. When Pandora descended to earth, the gods presented her with a gift, among which was a box filled with calamities. It was specially emphasized that the box should not be opened.

Men, captivated by her beauty, disregarded Prometheus's warning and welcomed Pandora into their homes, reveling in her company. While men went out hunting, Pandora had idle time and amused herself by guessing the contents of the box. One day, unable to resist temptation any longer, she lifted the lid to peek inside. Instantly, suspicion, sorrow, disease, and other disasters surged out. In a moment of panic, Pandora closed the lid, but it was too late; only "hope" remained.

Presenting this myth is not intended to offend female readers. It is merely used to elucidate the Western world's view on energy technology; Prometheus stole heavenly fire, granting humans vigor and vitality, thus offending the gods and being chained to the Caucasus Mountains, where an eagle would peck at his liver every day. However, new flesh would immediately grow, and due to his eternal life, he endured the torment of the eagle's pecking day after day. Pandora's story illustrates humanity's curiosity for knowledge, which sometimes brings not blessings but disasters. Nuclear technology is a typical example.

In the event of loss of water in the reactor or failure of the reactor's cooling function

The difference between nuclear power generation and thermal power generation lies in the former's use of nuclear reactors instead of traditional boilers and the use of heat generated by nuclear fission of atomic nuclei instead of heat generated by oil or coal. Currently, in most countries around the world, except for the Soviet Union and France, which construct breeding reactors, the vast majority use light water reactors. These reactors use ordinary water as a moderator to reduce the speed of fast neutrons produced by nuclear fission, turning them into slow neutrons, and use ordinary water as a coolant to maintain the nuclear fuel at a certain temperature for reaction. Light water reactors are divided into two types: boiling water reactors, with lower pressure, where water boils inside the reactor, such as the No. 1 reactor in Jinshan and the No. 2 reactor in Guosheng; and pressurized water reactors, with very high pressure inside the reactor, where water does not boil, such as the No. 3 reactor in Nanwan. Less common types in power plants include gas-cooled reactors, using carbon dioxide or helium as a coolant and graphite as a moderator, and heavy water reactors, using a compound of heavy hydrogen and oxygen, commonly known as heavy water, as both a coolant and a moderator.

The reactor is the heart of a nuclear power plant and the main location for nuclear fuel fission. Due to the highly radioactive nature of nuclear fuel, multiple layers of protection must be added to prevent radiation from entering the surrounding environment. Taking light water nuclear power plants as an example, fuel pellets made of uranium dioxide are first confined by ceramic bodies and then placed into zirconium alloy cladding. The cladding is welded with 8-10-inch alloy steel plates to form the reactor body and piping system. The fourth layer is a 7-10-foot concrete shield wall, and the outermost layer is a container enclosing the entire reactor.

Static fuel under multiple protections has little possibility of releasing radiation, but once the reactor loses water or its core cooling function fails during operation, the massive decay heat generated by radioactive fission products cannot be removed, leading to core meltdown, resulting in an inevitable nuclear disaster.

Nuclear power plants are associated with nuclear bombs simply because the spent fuel from nuclear power plants can be used to manufacture nuclear bombs.

The disasters caused by radiation, whether to humans or the environment, have long been established. Besides nuclear weapons, reactors are the main source of large-scale radiation. Due to energy shortages, Taiwan began planning nuclear power plants as early as the late 1960s. After the severance of diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the United States, procuring military equipment became increasingly difficult. Although there were conflicting opinions on whether to manufacture nuclear weapons, the consensus gradually formed around the possession of nuclear weapons technology.

Nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs, in terms of their essence and technological level, are quite different. They are associated solely because the spent fuel from nuclear power plants can be used to manufacture nuclear bombs. The destructive power of nuclear bombs is evident, but their manufacturing principles are not difficult to grasp. College physics students can understand them with a little effort in the library. Strictly speaking, the manufacturing technology is no longer highly classified, but the limited membership of the nuclear club is mainly due to the difficulty of obtaining raw materials. In Taiwan, if one wants to manufacture nuclear weapons, there is no other way than through nuclear waste from nuclear power plants. Examples of countries possessing nuclear weapons through reprocessing of nuclear fuel and the technology of breeding plutonium from uranium-238 are not uncommon internationally. Breeder reactors can convert unsuitable uranium-238 into plutonium-239, thus accelerating nuclear weapon proliferation, which is an undeniable fact.

The No. 3 Nuclear Power Plant and the Jia-shan Project started around the same time, but few people paid attention to them. Even though some media intentionally sensationalized the Zhang Xianyi incident, Taiwanese people were not particularly concerned about whether they should possess nuclear weapons. At least nuclear weapons did not attract as much attention from anti-nuclear activists as nuclear power plants did. If a public opinion poll were conducted now, the result might be opposition to building nuclear power plants but support for possessing nuclear weapons. Generally speaking, there is little resistance to developing nuclear weapons for military purposes, while nuclear power plants intended for peaceful use are highly controversial, as is the case worldwide. Although this peculiar phenomenon is not necessarily attributed to human belligerence, it is worth observing and understanding.

Anti-nuclear efforts are not resolved through advocacy or neighborly relations.

Anti-nuclear forces have a strong voice, accusing Taiwan Power Company of monopolizing nuclear knowledge, abusing expert authority, and even intending to deceive the public. This rhetoric not only puts Taiwan Power Company in a difficult position but sometimes also misleads the public, creating an impression of controlling nuclear technology. In terms of knowledge, with the advancement of modern communication technology, anyone interested in understanding nuclear technology can educate themselves or acquire relevant knowledge through research institutions and various information networks worldwide.

Technically, a nuclear power plant is a complex and massive industrial complex. Its fragmented structure is difficult to master even for the American nuclear industry, let alone with constantly changing regulations and advancing technology that require adaptation. Typically, nuclear reactor builders (such as Westinghouse) are responsible for the reactor and other nuclear systems and components. Several engineering contractors (such as GE, ITT) are responsible for the remaining structures. Construction contractors (such as China Engineering, Tang Rong and other local engineering contractors) carry out on-site construction. Cooperation and coordination depend on Taiwan Power Company and engineering design consulting companies (such as EBASCO for Nuclear Plant No. 1 and Bechtel for Nuclear Plants No. 2 and No. 3).

Since nuclear power plants vary greatly and cannot be mass-produced, even building several plants may not necessarily leverage past experience. Although Taiwan Power Company is the owner and has overseen the construction of three plants, it has at best gained some construction and operation experience, but it is far from planning, designing, and manufacturing technology. Even if Taiwan Power Company intends to carry out technology transfer, it is difficult to make breakthroughs with the mindset of zero tolerance among the people. The controversy over the spillway at Nuclear Plant No. 3 is a glimpse of this. It is an exaggeration to claim that Taiwan Power Company monopolizes nuclear technology.

In recent years, the efforts of the ruling authorities to communicate with the public have not yielded the expected results. Public doubts still exist, showing that anti-nuclear resistance is not resolved through nuclear advocacy, power plant neighborliness, or other means. The main population of the anti-nuclear movement consists of residents near the power plants, enthusiastic environmentalists, dissenters, and some members of opposition parties. Some reports indicate that environmental protest movements often involve familiar faces, and the anti-nuclear movement has become a political tool or bargaining chip. While this view highlights the political factors in the anti-nuclear movement, it overlooks the reasons for its existence.

Similarly, anti-nuclear movements in the United States and Japan appear to be more rational and less politically charged. From another perspective, it is not difficult to understand the dissatisfaction and helplessness of the local people with the current political environment, leading to a focus on non-political appeals as the focal point of their resistance. The transference of emotions and emotional backlash have their own significance and cannot be explained solely by the term "politicalization". This kind of coercion combines the roles of both the coerced and the coercer, as brilliantly depicted by Shakespeare in "The Merchant of Venice". Here, it is not a matter of using "The Merchant of Venice" as an analogy for the results of the anti-nuclear movement, but if anti-nuclear sentiment continues to rise, ultimately, it will be all citizens who pay the price.

Many Taiwanese people's fear of nuclear energy partly stems from the construction quality of power plants.

In terms of energy choices, hydropower depends on the weather. Natural gas is expensive and scarce, making it an unreasonable energy source. Coal is difficult to burn completely, and controlling acid rain and the aftermath of burning coal require high costs. Petroleum reserves are limited, and the carbon dioxide produced has a serious impact on the climate. Solar and ocean thermal power generation are still in the experimental stage, and their experience and competitiveness need to be observed. In comparison, nuclear energy has low fuel costs, mature technology, and less environmental impact than thermal power generation. Minister of Economic Affairs Chen Lu-an once said that "giving up nuclear power generation would be an unrealistic idea." His consideration of energy policy may be the most realistic viewpoint in official statements, but unfortunately, few legislators and people seem to agree. This phenomenon cannot be blamed on the ignorance of the public; it can only be said that frequent nuclear accidents have eroded people's confidence.

The Three Mile Island incident in Pennsylvania is generally considered a turning point in the decline of the nuclear power industry, and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union only added to the troubles. In fact, the American nuclear power industry had already begun to decline before the accident in 1979. The apparent reason for the loss of attractiveness is that the construction cost of the plants is too high, but the real reason lies in the safety of the reactors being questioned. Light-water reactors rely too much on external forced cooling systems and the protection of plant operators, while operators and electrical components cannot be completely trusted. Designers have no choice but to maintain safety requirements with multiple or overlapping support systems. If these non-nuclear systems fail to function as expected, theoretically, it will cause damage to the core, so strict regulations must be imposed, resulting in a significant increase in construction costs and the complexity of power plant structures. Unfortunately, spending money does not prevent disasters. Reactor meltdown incidents have followed one after another, so it is not surprising that residents near power plants are terrified and determined to resist. Apart from design considerations, Taiwanese people's fear of nuclear energy also stems from another topic that everyone prefers to doubt but is reluctant to discuss openly, and that is the construction quality of power plants.

For safety reasons, with nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants as the objects, the eighteenth appendix of Federal Regulations, revised in 1975, stipulates eighteen criteria, requiring owners (such as Taiwan Power Company) to establish and implement quality assurance plans, including operations affecting safety functions, such as design, procurement, manufacturing, loading and unloading, transportation, storage, cleaning, assembly, installation, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, fuel loading, and equipment modification. As for the initial safety analysis report (PSAR) required for applying for construction permits and the final safety analysis report (FSAR) required for applying for operation licenses after completion, they must detail relevant quality assurance plans. In other words, nuclear power plants rely on "systems" to ensure quality, and statistical quality control commonly used in general manufacturing is fundamentally inadequate for the nuclear power industry. In such a situation, the quality and integrity of practitioners become the key to good or bad quality.

From design to construction, nuclear power plants take approximately seven to ten years. During this lengthy period, the challenges faced by construction personnel extend beyond technical updates and regulatory compliance. Handling budgets of billions of dollars, the greatest challenge likely comes from both overt and covert pressures. Due to the sensitive nature of nuclear energy, if flaws occur during the construction process, it's difficult for outsiders to discern. However, frequent shutdowns or unexpected incidents after completion inevitably raise doubts about the quality of engineering. Other factors, such as unresolved coal purchase scandals, make it overly optimistic for the public to accept nuclear quality assurances endorsed by former Taiwan Power Company President Chu Shulin.

If only through power rationing can energy shortages be alleviated, perhaps it's time to consider privatizing the electricity industry.

Experts point out that the biggest challenge facing nuclear reactors is not safety. Any unsafe factors can be overcome through design changes and system improvements. Many technical assessments indicate that the hazards posed by reactors to public health and safety are far fewer than imagined. The reason for the dilemma lies in the insufficient rigor and questionable accuracy of these assessments' theoretical foundations.

Currently, nuclear reactors are being improved in the direction of smaller scale, simplified design, and easier control in case of accidents. The new generation of reactors particularly emphasizes their inherent safety features, which brings several benefits. Firstly, in the event of a cooling system failure, the heat generated by nuclear fission will dissipate naturally through convection or thermal radiation, thus preventing core damage. Secondly, nuclear and non-nuclear systems are no longer intertwined, which helps reduce costs. Thirdly, the mandatory safety design simplifies and makes safety assessments more accurate.

The future of the nuclear industry relies on cost reduction and technological breakthroughs. The key lies in dismantling existing barriers. Suppressing public protests with state power is not a wise strategy. Improving the current political environment and implementing democratic constitutionalism will undoubtedly help alleviate anti-nuclear sentiments.

Electricity is a monopoly in Taiwan, and cost pressures are minimal. In such favorable conditions, Taiwan Power Company should not only adopt a more open and honest approach towards the public but also consider privatizing the electricity industry if power rationing is the only solution to alleviate energy shortages.

If humans are as curious as Pandora?

The moon landing programs of the 1960s and 1970s were indeed groundbreaking achievements of the time. Those who witnessed this process could surely understand the awe that the sight of the Earth from space brought to humanity, no less than Armstrong's giant leap onto the desolate lunar surface. Seeing the tiny, blue and white, beautiful yet seemingly helpless Earth floating in space, few remained untouched. Earth is just a speck in the vast universe, which prompts humans to cherish this land especially. Over the past eighteen years, there has been an infinite love for the environment on which human survival depends. From the initial dream of conquering the universe to the current dedication to ecological conservation, this transformation is meaningful.

Herbert A. Simon, Nobel laureate in economics and artificial intelligence researcher, believes that technology is human knowledge, much like the fire Prometheus stole from the gods, which is fundamentally necessary for humans. If humans, like Pandora, cannot resist the temptation of curiosity, open the box, and cannot close it again, disasters and evils will all come out. Even if there is still hope, the consequences are still unimaginable. When we develop new technologies, we should not rush to apply them as weapons to conquer nature or the universe. In other words, even if we know how to manufacture certain things, it is best to be cautious and at least understand whether they should be manufactured and whether they can be controlled.

Nuclear technology puts humanity in a dilemma. Can we have both fish and bear's paw? Once the land for the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is reclaimed, it is tantamount to declaring the death of nuclear energy. Is it a wise decision to abandon nuclear power for the sake of the people and future generations? The myths of Prometheus and Pandora may provide us with some insights.

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