坐 牛 車 (歸 途)
1995-06-19 台灣時報
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There are more than 300 pages of text description, 1,000 photos, 7 volumes of video tapes, and 3 hours of audio materials, including:
第 一 篇 序 言 Prologue 第 二 篇 百年孤寂 The Dawn of Solitude 第 三 篇 薪盡火傳 The Fadeless Tribe 第 四 篇 桃太郎之舞 Dance of Momotaro 第 五 篇 被遺忘的年代 The Forgotten Age 第 六 篇 台灣千面 The Many Faces in Taiwan 第 七 篇 音樂與歌謠 Music & Song 第 八 篇 傳統習俗 Tradition & Custom 第 九 篇 語言與文學 Language, Dialect & Literature 第 十 篇 文 化 Culture 第十一篇 藝 術 Art 第十二篇 山水之美 Land of Mountain and Sea 第十三篇 天然世界 Creature 第十四篇 與時俱進 Growing Land 第十五篇 福爾摩沙之夢 Formosan Dream
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Copyright July 1996.
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Last update : 2023-01-16
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小時候經常和人爭論 只因為堅持「東瀛」不是「日本」 那時候有很多痛恨日本的人 問我是不是在日本出生? 是不是日本人? 年事稍長,便不再多費唇舌 只是請問他們「東瀛」要怎麼寫 很少人能正確地寫出來 二十多年前,我開始尋找「東瀛」的起源 一有機會和日本人交談 就問他們是否知道「東瀛」就是「日本」 到目前為止還沒認識知道這種說法的日本人 卻看到以「東瀛」代表「台灣」的書名 也在古碑坊發現「台灣」別名「東瀛」的證據 我以身為台灣人為榮 又以身為台灣人卻不知台灣事而悲 When I was a child I often arguing with people Just because I insist that "東瀛" is not "Japan" There were a lot of people who hated Japan back then. Ask if I was born in Japan? Am I a Japanese? When I get older, I don't need to spend more time Just ask them "Do you know how to write "東瀛?" Very few people can write it correctly More than 20 years ago, I began to search for the origin meaning of "東瀛." Whenever I get a chance to talk to the Japanese, I ask them if they know that "東瀛" means "Japan" So far I don't know any Japanese who know this expression. But I saw the title of the book that used "東瀛" to represent "Taiwan" Evidence of "Taiwan" alias "東瀛" was also found in old stone monument. I am proud to be a Taiwanese. However, I feel sad because I am a Taiwanese but don't know about Taiwan.
曾聽先祖父談及鴨母王造反,蔣公子敗地理的軼事 他說老祖公從漳州的石馬(龍溪)縣背負神祇渡海來台 然而我對台灣的瞭解似乎僅止於此 您知道「蓬萊第一鄉」在那裡嗎? 您知道為什麼台灣「有唐山公,無唐山媽」嗎? 您知道曾子和台南人一樣常用「泔轉」這種方法烹魚嗎? 您知道台灣人受人滴水,湧泉以報嗎? 身為台灣人,應該知道更多台灣事 台灣不需要真命天子,也不需要民族救星 台灣需要的是來自歷史的尊嚴 與對這塊土地無私的奉獻 台灣需要有智慧的人 只有大智大慧才能讓新一代台灣人了解 在這個歷史的關鍵時刻,應該何去何從 智慧來自本体 讓我們攜手,為了讓更多人瞭解台灣而努力吧 I once heard my grandfather talk about the anecdote of the King duck rebellion and fortune teller - Jiang Gongzi's defeat the geography in Taiwan. He said that the old ancestor came to Taiwan from Shima (Longxi) County in Zhangzhou carrying the gods across the sea. However, my knowledge of Taiwan seems to stop there. Do you know where "the first town in Taiwan" is? Do you know why Taiwanese proverb said "There are male Chinese ancestors, but no female Chinese ancestors"? Did you know that Zeng Zi and Tainan local people often use the method of "cook Fish with Scallion and Sugar Sauce" to preserve the fish? Did you know that Taiwanese people "Receive a drop of water in return for a spring"? As a Taiwanese, you should know more about Taiwan. Taiwan need neither the real hero ruler nor a national savior. What Taiwan needs is the dignity from history, and selfless dedication to the land. Taiwan needs smart people. Only great wisdom people can make the new generation understand the real Taiwanese situation. At this critical moment in history, what should we do? Wisdom comes from ourselves. Let's work together to let more people know about Taiwan.
十七世紀以前,台灣到處是茂密的原始森林 溪流清澈,魚蝦悠游,群鹿在草原飛奔 大部分土地由十多個原住民族群居住 語言雖同屬南島語族(Austyon Sia),卻無法溝通 擁有各別的社會組織,也流傳不同的神話 十七世紀初期,外來勢力逐漸入侵台灣 西班牙,荷蘭,明鄭,滿清等政治勢力先後交替 「荷蘭東印度公司」開始計劃殖民掠奪 隨後漢族移民橫渡「黑水溝」,大量湧入西南平原 原住民淪為少數種族,生活型態也發生劇烈變化 居住在西部,北部平原與溪流的「平埔族」 逐漸與漢族融合,只有少數保留傳統習俗與語言 以險峻高山為聚落的高山族群,則拒絕與漢族同化 仍舊依靠火田農耕,狩獵,撈捕,過著自給自足的生活 高山原住民雖然堅持不讓外來勢力介入,族群間仍互有爭奪 這種局部自立的社會空間,延續兩百多年 到了十八世紀末期,日本治台以後終於徹底瓦解 從清朝消極的「撫番」到日本積極的「理蕃」,古老的原住民生活方式消失殆盡 二次戰後,國民政府推動「平地化」政策,利用遷村方式把深山部落移往山麓 「大中國思想」的教育政策,更把原住民的語言,文化和傳統思想連根拔除 圖片來源:「東台灣展望」 1933年(昭和八年)出版 Before the seventeenth century, Taiwan was full of dense virgin forests. The stream is clear, the fish and shrimp are swimming, and the deer are running in the grassland. Most of the land is inhabited by more than a dozen indigenous groups. Although the languages belong to the Austyon Sia family, they cannot communicate with each other. They also have different social organizations and spread different myths. In the early seventeenth century, foreign forces gradually invaded Taiwan. Political forces such as Spain, the Netherlands, Ming, Manchu and Qing have alternated successively. "Dutch East India Company" began planning colonial plunder. Afterwards, Han immigrants crossed the "Black Water Ditch (Taiwan Strait)" and poured into the Southwest Plain in large numbers. Aboriginal people are reduced to racial minorities and their lifestyles have undergone dramatic changes. The "Pingpu" who live in the western, northern plains and streams, gradually integrated with the Han people. Only a few retained traditional customs and languages. Alpine ethnic groups, who live in deep mountains, refuse to assimilate with the Han people, still rely on fire fields for farming, hunting, fishing, and live a self-sufficient life. Although the aborigines in the mountains insisted not to allow foreign forces to intervene, the ethnic groups still competed with each other. This partially independent social space has lasted for more than two hundred years. By the end of the 18th century, after Japan ruled Taiwan, it finally disintegrated completely. From the passive "Aborigines Conciliation" of the Qing Dynasty to the active "Conquer" of Japan, the ancient aboriginal way of life has disappeared. After the Second World War, the Nationalist government promoted the policy of "Land relocating" and used the method of relocating villages to move the tribes from the deep mountains to the foothills of the mountains. The education policy of "Greater China Thought" has also uprooted the language, culture and traditional thinking of the aborigines. Image source: "Eastern Taiwan Outlook", published in 1933.
原住民的種族系統相當複雜 長久居住在高山和離島的居民被外來統治者區分成九個族群 但是居住在花蓮地區的部分居民自認他們是太魯閣族 日月潭地區的邵族與較高山區的曹族其實也有分別 而活動區域遍佈台灣平原及溪流的「平埔族」居民 經過調查發現可能不止九個族群 從地緣關係,語言,神話,傳統習俗,文化和社會制度 固然可以分辨出不同族群的差異 然而現在的山地部落,除了語言和少數面部特徵以外 要感覺種族的固有個性幾乎已不可能 因為兩百年來「同質化」的歷史滾輪 不論外加或內求,已經使原住民的種族認同出現斷層 一九八零年代末期,原住民自覺和尋根運動開始掘起 本土意識高漲,導致關懷原住民的漢人和媒体突然增多 生活層面可能有所改善,卻無助於原住民種族危機的緩解 高山和平地原住民「漢化」的過程如出一轍,只是腳步遲早而已 大量移住城市的原住民能重返祖先居住的地方嗎 ? 年輕一代的原住民希望再過狩獵農耕的生活嗎? 他們的吶喊和訴求,是否會在漢人主宰的社會洪流裡淹沒 ? 圖片來源:「東台灣展望」 1933年(昭和八年)出版 Aboriginal racial systems are quite complex. Residents who have long lived in the mountains and outlying islands are divided into nine groups by foreign rulers. But some residents living in the Hualien area identify themselves as Taroko. There are actually differences between the Thao people in the Sun Moon Lake area and the Cao people in the higher mountains. And the "Pingpu" residents who are active in Taiwan's plains and streams. After investigation, it was found that there may be more than nine ethnic groups. Of course, it is possible to distinguish the differences between different ethnic groups from geography, language, mythology, traditional customs, culture and social system. However, in today's hill tribes, it is almost impossible to feel the inherent individuality of the race with the exception of language and a few facial features. Because of the historical scroll of "homogenization" in the past two hundred years, whether external or internal, the racial identity of the aborigines has been faulted. In the late 1980s, Aboriginal self-awareness and root-seeking movements began to emerge. The local awareness is high, resulting in a sudden increase in the number of Chinese and media who care about the aboriginal people. Living standards may improve, but they do not help alleviate the racial crisis of Indigenous peoples. The process of "sinicization" of the aborigines in the mountains and the land is exactly the same, but sooner or later. Can aboriginal people who have migrated to cities in large numbers return to where their ancestors lived? Do the younger generation of Aboriginal people want to go back to hunting and farming? Will their cries and demands be submerged in the social torrent dominated by the Han people? Image source: "Eastern Taiwan Outlook", published in 1933.
十七世紀中葉,台灣西海岸有平埔族約四萬人 漢人屯墾者約十萬人,鄭成功渡台後,移民逐漸增加 兩百年後,漢人劇增至兩百萬,平埔族只有五,六萬人 明鄭時期,不少士大夫階級攜家帶眷,渡海而來 隨軍的「羅漢腳仔」卻有和平埔族通婚的事例 台灣改隸,將近一百年間,清廷嚴禁婦女來台 男性漢族移民只能在平埔族尋找對象 入贅平埔族或娶平埔族婦女為妻者頗多 這就是台灣「有唐山公,無唐山媽」的緣由 乾隆二年(1737),官府下令禁止「番漢通婚」 已經無法遏阻平埔族血液不斷溶入漢族子孫 四,五代以後,平埔族的容貌特徵猶在 語言,文化,生活方式卻完全漢化 平埔族消失了嗎? 根據調查,超過百分之八十的台灣人具有南島語族血統 在蛻變的過程當中,少數平埔族人遠離故土,仍然保有他們的傳統習俗及語言 而多數平埔族人卻以另一種面貌生活在遠古祖先曾經耕作的土地 唐山移民的後代,或多或少奔流著平埔祖先的血液 他們都是「新台灣人」,也是台灣原住民的後代子孫 不論是否冠上「原住民」,都是新台灣的主人 In the middle of the seventeenth century, there were about 40,000 Pingpu people on the west coast of Taiwan. There are about 100,000 Han settlers. After Zheng Chenggong moveed to Taiwan, the number of immigrants gradually increased. Two hundred years later, the number of Han people increased sharply to 2 million, and the Pingpu people were only 50,000 to 60,000. During the Ming and Zheng Dynasties, many scholar-bureaucrats came across the sea with their families. There are cases of intermarriage of the Pingpu ethnic group among the "single soldier" who accompanied the army. For nearly 100 years after Taiwan was changed to the official government, the Qing court strictly prohibited women from coming to Taiwan. Male Han immigrants can only find wifes in Pingpu. There are many people who join the Pingpu family or marry Pingpu women. This is the reason why there are male Chinese ancestors, but no female Chinese ancestor s in Taiwan. In the second year of Qianlong's reign (1737), the government giae a order of the prohibition of "Aboriginal-Chinese intermarriage" However, it is no longer possible to stop the blood of the Pingpu nationality from being continuously dissolved into the descendants of the Chinese nationality. After the fourth and fifth generations, the appearance and characteristics of the Pingpu people may still exist, language, culture, and way of life are completely sinicized. Has the Pingpu people disappeared? According to the survey, more than 80% of Taiwanese have Austronesian ancestry. In the process of transformation, a small number of Pingpu people are far away from their homeland and still retain their traditional customs and language. However, most of the Pingpu people live on the land where ancient ancestors once cultivated in a different way. The descendants of immigrants from China are more or less the blood of the ancestors of Pingpu. They are all "New Taiwanese" and descendants of Taiwan's aborigines. Regardless of whether they are named "Aboriginal" or not, they are the masters of the new Taiwan.
舊時台灣常有唐山移民 只因原鄉貧瘠,生寡食眾 汲汲爭奪既有資源 難免勾心鬥角 相互撻伐 移民嚮往自由,但求溫飽 為著出脫傳統束縛 不惜離鄉背井 另闢天地 他們有遠見,有膽識 天生冒險犯難的精神 懷抱隨遇而安的本事 才能篳路藍縷,開啟山林 甚至單槍匹馬,深入荒蠻 In the old days, there were often immigrants from China in Taiwan. Only because the hometown is barren, and there are few people scramble for existing resources. Inevitably intrigue scolding each other. Immigrants yearn for freedom, but seek food and clothing. To break free from traditional shackles, they don't hesitate to leave home to seek another world. They have vision and courage. Born to take risks. Embrace the ability to be at ease. To be able to cross obstacles and open up the mountains and forests. Even single-handedly, go deep into the barbaric.
現在「台灣錢,淹腳目」 早期先民過的卻是「人與天爭」的日子 伴隨這種生活常是寂寞與孤獨 因此漢族移民和平埔族通婚是很正常的事 這就是台灣「有唐山公,無唐山媽」的緣由 先人開疆拓域 後代子孫,披荊斬蕀 他們對抗天災地變 學習如何與自然圓融相處 因此塑造樂天進取 堅忍不拔和寬容飄瞥的性格 台灣人特有的根性,正是今日政經開展的原動力 圖片來源:「東台灣展望」 1933年(昭和八年)出版 Now "Taiwan's money floods the ankes" The early ancestors lived the days of "Man vs Nature" With this life is often loneliness and loneliness. Therefore, it is normal for Chinese immigrants to intermarry with PingPu weman. This is the reason why there are male Chinese ancestors, but no female Chinese ancestors in Taiwan. Ancestors pioneered the frontier, and the descendants fight thorns. They learn how to against disasters and live in harmony with nature. As a result, they develop an elegant character of optimism, aggressiveness, perseverance and tolerance. The unique roots of Taiwanese are the driving force behind today's political and economic development. Image source: "Eastern Taiwan Outlook", published in 1933.
明治四十一年(1908)生於日本會津若松市 兩歲隨父渡台,中小學教育在台北完成 昭和三年(1928)赴日就讀早稻田大學法文科 畢業後返台,擔任「台灣日日新報社」文藝版主編 從此開展自己心目中的台灣文學創作之旅 他精於製作手工版本,編篡「媽祖」雜誌十六冊 「台灣風土記」十六冊,「文藝台灣」三十八冊 作品包括童話,詩集,傳記,小說,評論和譯述 大部分以台灣為背景取材,採限量發行 昭和十七年(1942)出版的「赤崁記」得「台灣文化獎」 一九四六年,因日本戰敗歸國,仍從事文學創作 作品依然呈現強烈的台灣風味 一九六零年成立「日本天后會」,出版媽祖傳記 以台灣為舞台的長篇小說「會真記」曾獲「夏目漱石獎」 短篇小說「眾神的祭典」,充分表露對台灣的故鄉情感 他喜歡大稻埕和艋舺,流連於鹿港,淡水,板橋,終身難忘古都台南的風華 「林本源庭園賦」裡,對古老花園的描繪,巨細靡遺,遠比我們所知還要貼確 從他的作品,彷彿看到台灣人在生活;多變的性格,浪漫風采以及被壓抑的夢想 西川滿重視台灣鄉土文化,畢生思想,事業和這塊土地息息相關 在日本文壇雖屬異數,而提倡台灣文學的意義與貢獻,卻值得省思 1996-04-11 In 1908, Mitsuru Nishikawa was born in Aizuwakamatsu city, Japan. He moveed to Taiwan with his father when he was two years old. Then he completed his elementary and high school education in Taipei. In 1928 he went to Waseda University to study French Literature. After graduation, he returned to Taiwan, and was appointed to be the chief literature editor of the "Taiwan Nichinichi Shinposha". Since then, he started the creative journey of Taiwanese literature. Heis good at making Hand-crafted version of books. He edited 16 volumes of "Mazu (媽祖)" magazine. 16 volumes of "Taiwan culture" and 38 volumes of "Taiwan literature." His works include children's books, poetry collections, biographies, Fiction, reviews and translations. Mostly based in Taiwan with a limited edition. In 1942, he won "the Award of Taiwan Culture" by publishing "赤崁記." Returned to Japan in 1946 after defeat in the war, he engaged in literary creation continuously. His work is still presented with a strong Taiwanese flavor. He founded the Japanese "Queen Mazu Association" in 1960 and published a biography of "Mazu." A long novel set in Taiwan, "會真記", won the Soseki Natsume Award. Short story "The Ritual of the Gods", which expresses the full feelings for his hometown - Taiwan. He likes 大稻埕 and 艋舺, usually stays in 鹿港,淡水 and 板橋. He never forgot the elegant atmosphere of the ancient capital - Tainan in his whole Life. In his "Ode on the Garden of Lin Ben Yuan (林本源庭園賦)", he describes the old gardens in such detail that it is far more accurate than what we know. In his works, it seems that we can see the living life of Taiwanese people, their varied personalities, their romanticism and their suppressed dreams. Nishikawa is a great believer in Taiwanese culture. All his life and career have been closely linked to this land. Although he is an anomaly in the Japanese literary scene, his contribution to the promotion of Taiwanese literature is worthy of consideration. 1996-04-11
(台南南門小學 1943) (Tainan Nanmen Primary School 1943)
(1995-03-22 台灣時報副刊) (1995-03-22 Taiwan Times Supplement) 「一府二鹿三艋舺」 這一府指的便是台南 居民先祖大部分隨國姓爺渡臺 世代蕃衍,迄今已歷三百餘年 野史謂鄭氏居台之時 中土士大夫奉冠裳而渡鹿洱者,蓋七百餘人 這七百餘人之子孫,大都世居台南 名門之後,固不乏大家閨秀 一般人家女兒亦多知書達禮,勤儉操持 是以南北各地以府城親家為榮 台南女兒尤擅中饋 調和鼎鼐,每多家傳 荀子大略篇:曾子食魚有餘,曰泔之 泔轉,原為兩千年前魯人烹魚之辭 泔魚之法,先將豬油入鼎,再以蔥珠熚焦 鼎熱,淋醬油,香出,加水煮之,乃下魚,其味鮮美 此法中國失傳已久,而台南婦女皆知 "The first Provice, the second Deer, the third Monga" This province refers to Tainan The majority of the inhabitants' ancestors crossed the border with King Zheng Chenggong. They have proliferated for over 300 years. According to the history, when the Chengs lived in Taiwan, the Chinese officers and scholars who crossed over to Lu'er Gate with their King numbered more than 700 The descendants of these 700 people were mostly lived in Tainan. Most of the daughters of these families were well educated, thrifty, and well-mannered. That's why all the people in Taiwan are proud of their relatives in Tainan. Tainan's daughters are especially good at feeding their families Their cooking skills are inherited from the family. In Xunzi's chapter on "大略篇", Zeng Zi said that when he had a surplus of fish, he would "泔" it. The word "泔" was originally used by the Lu people 2,000 years ago for cooking fish. The special method of cooking fish is to add lard to a pot, then add green onion pieces to burnt black. When the pot is hot, pour soy sauce over it until the aroma comes out, add water and cook, then add the fish. This method has been lost in China for a long time, but is well known to Tainan women.
1995-03-25 台灣時報副刊 1995-03-25 Taiwan Times Supplement 五十年前,幾乎沒有摩托車 會造成空氣污染的 大概只有汽車和火車了 那時候最常見的交通工具 除了牛車以外 就是腳踏車 腳踏車不但載人也載貨 空襲時,從城裡逃到鄉下 就靠那台腳踏車 流行的三角牌和富士霸王,非常耐騎 坐墊都是真皮做的 還有自力發電的夜行燈 很難想像 曾經有個時代 擁有一輛自己的腳踏車,竟然會是,許多人的夢想 1993-01-15 Fifty years ago, there were hardly any motorbikes. The only things that caused air pollution were cars and trains. Apart from the bullock cart, the most common means of transportation for individual in those days was the bicycle. Bicycles carried not only people but also goods. During the air raids, cycling was the only way to excape from the city to the countryside. The popular Triangle and Fuji Bajaj are very durable. The cushions are made of leather. And there is also a self-powered night lights. It's hard to imagine that there was a time when owning your own bike would have been a dream for many people.
一八九三年農曆七月十四日生於台北淡水 舊稱北新庄車埕百力戛腳的地方 幼年聰穎,年十六,入台灣總督府醫學校 一九一四年畢業後留學日本 一九二二年獲京都帝大醫學博士,為台灣第一人 一九二一年受聘於台灣總督府醫學專門學校 擔任助教授兼中央研究所技師 敘高等官七等,一九四二年陞敘一等 光復後,任台大醫學院首任院長 篳路藍縷,開創格局,有守有為,不忮不求 一九五三年創設高雄醫學院 受他指導獲得醫學博士的後學約有五十人 一九八六年二月廿五日去世,享年九十三歲 先生於一九二二年五月廿日與霧峰林家閨秀林雙隨女士成婚 育子女五人,皆成大器。他主張台灣人要做本土研究 所以專研中西藥理、瘧疾、鴉片中毒、蛇毒,斐然有成 長女杜淑純說他精研書法,通數國語文,是很有創造力的人 即使日常工作繁多,休息得少,仍精神奕奕,好學不倦 他懸壺濟世,逾六十載,終成一家之言。而畢生致力台灣醫學教育,譽滿杏林 人稱「台灣醫學之父」,可謂實至名歸。 (資料來源:台大校友季刊第七期 P.3) 2000-11-07 Du Congming was born on the 14th day of the lunar July in 1893 in Tamshui, Taipei. The place was formerly known as the foot of the Checheng Baili Garcia in the north of sinzhuang. He was a bright young man and entered the Taiwan Governor's medical school at the age of 16. He graduated in 1914 and studied continuously in Japan. In 1922, he received a doctorate in medicine from Kyoto Imperial University. He is the first Medical PhD in Taiwan. In 1921, he was appointed as Assistant professor to the Taiwan Governor's medical school and technician at the Central Research Institute in Taiwan. He was the 7th class at that time and promoted to First Class in 1942. After the War, he was the first Dean of Medical school of National Taiwan University. Then he founded the Kaohsiung Medical College in 1953. About 50 postgraduates received their medical doctorate under his guidance. He died on February 25, 1986, at the age of 93. On May 20, 1922, he married Ms. Lin Shuanghui, a daughter of the Wufeng Lin family He had five children, all of whom became great successes. He advocated that Taiwanese people should do local research. He specialised in Chinese and Western pharmacology, malaria, opium poisoning and snake venom, and achieved great success. His eldest daughter, Du Shuchun, described him as a very creative man who studied calligraphy and mastered several languages. Even though he had a lot of work to do and little rest, he was still very energetic and a tireless learner. He has been helping the world for more than 60 years and has finally become a master of his craft. He devoted his life to medical education in Taiwan and became a renowned expert in the field of medicine He is also known as the "Father of Taiwanese Medicine", a title he truly deserves. (Source: NTU Alumni Quarterly, Issue 7, P.3)
郭彝,幼名欽沐,字藻臣,號東山。 臺灣府臺灣縣安平人,生於咸豐戊午年(一八五八)九月四日。 祖籍漳州府詔安縣銅山東坑鄉。道光壬辰間, 祖父誥封武顯將軍奉令來臺任臺灣縣安平鎮臺。 父郭雲衢,誥授登仕佐郎,任安平鎮軍參謀。 先生年幼聰穎過人,熟讀經史,鄉里間頗負盛名。 光緒丁亥,安平協臺聘為臺灣鎮軍參謀; 又與協臺柯壬貴,同赴諸羅縣任職,參贊戎機。 日本治台後,先生矢志不仕,寧甘淡薄,遂於府城鬻字賣書為生。 當時有英商於安平經營海興洋行,得聘先生為該行主計,業務大進。 並於三崁店設置糖廠,任先生為該廠總管,聲譽日隆。 安平保甲會,輒欲荐為安平區長,先生婉辭。 台南縣知事遂聘先生為台南縣志篡修委員,縣志完成後即辭,不事日人。 一九零九年五月二十九日逝世,享年五十有二。
先生擅畫墨梅。又精草書。所留墨筆有揚州春梅圖,梅花軸等。 用墨常摻膠,畫幹圓渾少見皴筆。 行草七言聯曾刊於「汲古潤今:台灣先賢書畫專輯」。 上圖草書為郭府後代所藏,原文可能取自明末詩僧釋函昰所作梅花诗 「高處憑空折未能,連雲帶月影崚嶒。誰當錯比仙人萼,李白親傳自老僧。」 (平水韻,十蒸) 前兩句。
參考資料:臺南市文獻委員會黃典權(南史)。藻臣遺錄,臺南文化,第3卷第3期,78-88 2020-06-27 Guo Yi, his childhood name was Qin Mu, his courtesy name was Zaochen, and his name was Dongshan. A native of Anping, Taiwan County, Taiwan Prefecture, he was born on September 4, the Wuwu Year of Xianfeng (1858). His ancestral home is in Tongshandongkeng Township, Zhao'an County, Zhangzhou Prefecture. Daoguang Renchen, His grandfather Gao Feng, General Wu Xian, was ordered to come to Taiwan to serve in Anping Township, Taiwan County. His father, Guo Yunqu, was granted Dengshi Zuolang and served as the staff officer of the Anping Town Army. He was young and intelligent, and was well-versed in scriptures and history, and was well-known in the countryside. Guangxu Dinghai, Anping Xietai hired as the staff officer of the Taiwan Town Army; He went to Zhuluo County together with Ke Rengui, the coordinator, to serve as counselor Rong Ji. After the Japanese ruled Taiwan, the husband was determined not to serve, but he was rather indifferent, so he made a living by selling books in Fucheng. At that time, there was a British businessman operating Haixing Yangxing in Anping, and he had to hire Mr. And set up a sugar factory in Sankandian, Mr. Ren is the director of the factory, and his reputation is growing. The Anping Baojia Association wanted to recommend him as the head of Anping District, and Mr. The Governor of Tainan County appointed Mr. Tainan County Gazetteer as a committee member, and he resigned after the completion of the County Gazette. Died on May 29, 1909, at the age of fifty-two.
Mr. is good at drawing ink plums. And fine cursive. The ink pens left include Yangzhou Spring Plum Map, Plum Blossom Scroll, etc. The ink is often mixed with glue, and the painting is dry and round, and it is rare to see a chapped pen. The Seven Characters in Action and Cursive was published in "Ji Gu Run Jin: An Album of Calligraphy and Paintings by Taiwan Sages". The cursive script in the picture above was collected by the descendants of Guofu, and the original text may have been taken from the poem of plum blossoms written by Shi Hanshi, a poet monk in the late Ming Dynasty. "The heights can't be folded out of thin air, even clouds and moon shadows. Whoever is wrong is compared to the calyx of the immortal, Li Bai personally passed it on from the old monk." (Pingshui rhyme, ten steamed) The first two sentences.
Reference: Huang Dianquan (Southern History), Tainan City Documentary Committee. The Legacy of Zao Chen, Tainan Culture, Volume 3, Issue 3, 78-88 2020-06-27
教練的話 coach's words
我們是甲組中的甲組,一天要當八天用 隊長從預官第三期帶起,二十期,二十一期...徵信十九期 豬腦袋,木瓜頭,米蟲,觀光,作客,民脂民膏... 號令不嚴,將之罪也;三令五申而不行,眾之罪也 時間短,效果高;進步緩慢就是落伍 準則要活用,不要拘泥 寧做痛苦的主人,不做幸福的奴隸 隊長下決心要成立第三連 在我們這裡出特別操的... 現改現評,有錯必改,有改必正 全國如果都像學員三隊,早就反攻了 隊長內心很佩服諸位,但是嘴巴上還是不滿意 弟子不必不如師,師不一定賢如弟子;青出於藍,而勝於藍 有些同學當師長,掛星星都有資格,有些同學連山地兵都不如 時間寶貴,要彈性應用,你已經浪費了十八週 隊長是採積分制,水準以上的盡量往上爬... 你們什麼時候放隊長榮譽假? 嘿 嘿 嘿 聯合國第一流的部隊,你放心,全世界都找不出這麼高水準的隊伍 現在已經到了拉角的地步 跑龍套的都是王牌,現在是王牌上場的時候了 We are Group A in Group A, one day is used for eight days The captain starts from the third phase of the pre-officer, the 20th phase, the 21st phase...the 19th phase of the credit report Pig head, papaya head, rice worm, sightseeing, guest, people's fat and people's cream... If the order is not strict, it is also a crime to generalize; if three orders and five applications are not carried out, it is also a crime for the public. Short time, high effect; slow progress is backward Principles should be used, not rigid I'd rather be the master of pain than the slave of happiness The captain is determined to form a third company Special fuck in our place... Now review the current review, if there is a mistake, it must be corrected, and if there is a correction, it must be corrected If the whole country were like the third team of students, they would have counterattacked long ago. The captain admires everyone in his heart, but he is still dissatisfied with his mouth A disciple is not necessarily inferior to a teacher, and a teacher is not necessarily as good as a disciple; Some classmates are qualified to be teachers and stars, and some classmates are not even as good as mountain soldiers Time is precious, you've wasted eighteen weeks to be flexible The captain is based on a point system, and those who are above the level try to climb up... When are you taking captain honor leave? hey hey hey The first-class troops of the United Nations, you can rest assured that there is no such high-level team in the world. Now it's getting to the point of pulling the corners All the trump cards are trump cards, now is the time for the trump cards to play
粉彩作品 (張老師) Pastel Works (Mr. Zhang)畫中詩人 - 沈哲哉 The Poet in the Painting - Shen Zhezai
台南新營人,日本昭和元年(1926)出生 中學時期受教於台灣先輩畫家廖繼春 四年級以水彩畫「明倫堂」入選第六屆台灣美展 自此決心以繪畫作為終身事業 戰後擔任國小美術老師,從畫壇名宿郭柏川習畫 並參與組織台南美術研究會,積極推動美術教育 先後在北港和台南地區中學執教多年 並兼任台南家專油畫教授,學生遍布南北各地 為台灣推行「創造美育」的先進者 詩人愛默生(R.W. Emerson)曾說「要能善用智慧 總在甘醇微醺之時,暢所欲言.....人生行腳 也應開放自己,信靠人的本能...」 沈哲哉酷愛杯中物,一番杜康薰陶,頓時豁然開朗 隨興作畫,悠遊於天地之間,和宇宙生命熔為一体 與詩人的哲學思想不謀而合 久居台南,畫家筆下的府城,隱約有一種靜謐的古典之美,真正扣人心弦 旅日企業家邱永漢推崇他的畫,「充滿南方明朗色彩,飄逸著無限鄉愁」 對人体美學的探索,使他的生命充滿喜樂,作品蕩漾著無限青春與活力 多年來,他堅守自己的藝術理念,不受流派影響,不為名利物役,是畫中詩人 1996-04-09 Born in 1926 in Sinying, Tainan, Japan Taught by Liao Chi-chun, a pioneer painter in Taiwan, during his secondary school years Selected for the 6th Taiwan Art Exhibition with his watercolour painting "Minglun Hall" in 4th grade Determined to make painting a lifelong career since then After the war, he worked as an art teacher in elementary school and studied under the famous painter Guo Bochuan. After the war, he became a teacher of art in elementary schools and studied with the famous artist Guo Bochuan. He taught for many years in secondary schools in Beigang and Tainan He was also a professor of oil painting at Tainan College of Fine Arts, with students from the north and south of the country He was a pioneer in the implementation of "creative aesthetic education" in Taiwan The poet R.W. Emerson once said, "To be able to use wisdom Always speak your mind when you're drunk. ..... Life is a walk in the park And be open to yourself, trusting in your instincts..." Shen Zheya is a lover of the glass, and with a bit of Dukang, he is suddenly enlightened He paints at will, wandering between heaven and earth, becoming one with the life of the universe The poet's philosophical ideas coincide with those of the poet Having lived in Tainan for a long time, the artist's painting of the capital city has a quiet classical beauty that really strikes a chord. His paintings are "full of the bright colours of the south and are full of nostalgia", according to the Japanese entrepreneur Qiu Yonghan. His exploration of the aesthetics of the human body has made his life joyful, and his works are full of youth and vitality. Over the years, he has remained true to his own artistic philosophy, uninfluenced by genre and uninspired by fame or fortune. 1996-04-09
府城才子許丙丁 (故居陋巷) Fucheng Talented Xu Bingding (former residence in the alley)
原籍海澄,明治三十三年(1900)生於台南 父販油為業,年十一,喪父,賴母親陳氏撫養成人 幼讀私塾,習漢文,喜聽說書講古,擅七絕七律 年逾弱冠,受邀加入南社 詠物,抒懷,寫景,論史,詩藝大進 大正十年(1921) 應試入「台警察官練習所」 畢業後,屢破奇案,累升至台南州刑事部長 戰後任「二二八處理委員會委員」 「台南市參議會參議員」「台南市議會議員」 他多才多藝,卻深藏不露,古道熱腸,又細膩多情 喜南腔,擅北調,尤工「四郎探母」,間或粉墨登場 與京戲名旦戴綺霞相交莫逆,推動台南劇運,不遺餘力 對台灣民間歌謠著墨亦多,曾資助許石,吳晉淮,文夏等人出國習藝 歌謠「菅芒花」( 鄧雨賢譜曲) 哀怨動人,滑稽漫畫,卻別幟一格 文學作品常見於「三六九小報」「台南文化」 以府城廟宇諸神為主軸的「小封神」,幽默風趣,曾經傳誦一時 許氏文武兼資,歷二朝而不墮,以其知所進退,雖居陋巷,仍不改其樂 晚年自書一聯「喜庭前在陶徑中栽幾株傲菊,住陋巷除顏瓢外藏數卷詩書」 橫披「藉一山一石以養未盡餘光」 更可見其心境 1996-04-07 Originally from Haicheng, born in Tainan in 1900 He was raised by his mother, Chen, after his father lost his father at the age of 11. Attended private school at an early age, studied Chinese, and enjoyed listening to the classics, specializing in seven lines and seven rhymes Invited to join the Southern Society when he was a young man A poet's art improved greatly In 1921, he was admitted to the Police Training College After graduation, he solved many strange cases and was promoted to the position of Tainan State Criminal Minister After the war, he served as a member of the Committee for the Handling of the February 28th Incident "After the war, he became a member of the Tainan City Senate and a member of the Tainan City Council. He was a man of many talents, but he was a man of many secrets. He likes southern accent and is good at northern tunes, especially in "Shilang Visits His Mother", where he occasionally makes his debut He was a close friend of the famous Peking opera singer Dai Chii-ha and spared no effort in promoting the Tainan opera movement. He has also written extensively on folk songs in Taiwan, and has sponsored Xu Shi, Wu Jinhuai, and Wen Xia to study abroad. The song "Sugamang Flower" (composed by Deng Yu-hsien) is a poignant, comic but unique song. Literary works are often found in the "Tainan Culture" newspaper The "Little Gods", which is based on the gods and goddesses of the temples in Fucheng, was recited for a time He was a scholar of both the arts and the military, and had lived through two dynasties without falling from grace. In his later years, he wrote a couplet: "I am happy to have planted a few proud chrysanthemums in the Tao path in front of my garden, and to have collected several volumes of poetry in a humble alley, in addition to a ladle of paint". The banner, "A mountain and a rock to nourish the remaining light", shows his state of mind. 1996-04-07
最後返鄉的鮭魚 - 黃文雄 The last salmon to return home - Huang Wenxiong
一九七零年,四月二十四日 美國紐約第五街廣場飯店,傳來槍響 台灣留美學生黃文雄行刺應邀訪美的蔣經國 此一震驚中外的政治暗殺事件 不獨改變當時的政治生態 為戒嚴時期台灣的民主運動揭開序幕 也是台灣本土化政策的催生原動力 黃文雄,一九三七年出生於台灣新竹 高中時期寫詩,作品散見報章雜誌,成四本詩集 父親任職新竹自來水廠廠長 曾因拒絕「國庫通黨庫」遭受迫害入獄 一九六七年赴美就讀匹茲堡大學,為台獨聯盟成員 事件發生時與李登輝同在康乃爾大學攻讀博士學位 因刺蔣案拋棄一切,熱血青年,從此浪跡天涯二十餘載 一九九六年四月,以觀光客身份返台 昔日慨歌燕市,從容赴囚,而今華髮微禿,風霜滿臉 他的歸來,象徵黑名單走入歷史,台灣終於告別獨裁統治的恐怖夢魘 開槍前夕,黃文雄打消由鄭自財動手的提議,已經下定為台灣人奉獻犧牲的決心 他成功地向全世界控訴蔣家的罪行,被捕時高喊「讓我像男子漢一樣站起來」 充分展現不平凡的骨氣與尊嚴,是個有遠見,有膽識,智仁勇兼備的台灣人 1996-04-10 April 24, 1970 Shots fired at the Fifth Street Plaza Hotel, New York, USA Taiwanese student Huang Wen-hsiung assassinated Chiang Ching-kuo, who was invited to visit the US This was a shocking political assassination in China and abroad Not only did it change the political ecology of the time It was the inauguration of the democracy movement in Taiwan during the martial law period It was also the impetus for Taiwan's localisation policy Huang Wen-hsiung, born in 1937 in Hsinchu, Taiwan He wrote poetry in high school, and his works were published in newspapers and magazines, resulting in four books of poetry His father was the director of the Hsinchu Water Supply Plant He was persecuted and imprisoned for refusing to accept the "national treasury as a party treasury In 1967, he went to the United States to study at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was a member of the Taiwan Independence Alliance. Studied with Lee Teng-hui at Cornell University for his PhD at the time of the incident Left everything behind in the Chiang assassination case, a young man of passionate blood who has been wandering the world for over 20 years since then In April 1996, he returned to Taiwan as a tourist In the past, he sang about the city of Yan and went to prison with grace, but now his hair is slightly bald and his face is covered with frost. His return symbolised the end of the Black List and the end of the nightmare of dictatorial rule in Taiwan. On the eve of the shooting, Huang Wenxiong dismissed the suggestion that Zheng Zicai should take action, already determined to sacrifice himself for the people of Taiwan. He succeeded in charging the world with the crimes of the Chiang family and shouted "Let me stand up like a man" when he was arrested. He was a man of vision, courage, wisdom and courage, a Taiwanese man of uncommon backbone and dignity. 1996-04-10
菅芒花 Sugawan Flower
(許丙丁作詞 鄧雨賢作曲) 菅芒花,白無香,冷風來搖動 無虛華,無美夢,啥人來疼痛 世間人,錦上添花,無人來探望 只有月娘,清白光明,照阮的美夢 菅芒花,白無味,生來無著時 無玉葉,無金枝,啥人會甲意 世間情,鏡花水影,花紅有了時 只有風姨,溫柔搖擺,搬阮的腰枝 菅芒花,白文文,出世在寒門 無美貌,無青春,啥人來溫存 世間事,一場幻夢,船過水無痕 多情金姑,來來去去,伴阮過黃昏 1996-04-10 (Written by Xu Bingding, composed by Tang Yu Xian) The white mango flower has no fragrance, the cold wind shakes it No vanity, no beautiful dream, no one comes to ache The world is full of people, no one comes to visit Only the Moon Lady, pure and bright, shines in Ruan's dreams The flower is white and tasteless. No jade leaves, no golden branches, no one will ever love them The world's love, the mirror and the water, when the flowers are red Only Auntie Wind sways gently, carrying Ruan's waist branch The flower of Sugamang, the white man, born in a poor family No beauty, no youth, no one to warm her up The world is a fantasy dream, the boat has passed without a trace The lovelorn golden nun, coming and going, accompanying Ruan in the evening 1996-04-10
白鷺鷥 (童謠) Egret (Nursery Rhyme)
白鷺鷥 車畚箕 車到港仔沿 拾得一個錢 買物分大姨 大姨嫌無何 呼雞呼狗來詛咒 詛咒無 投姆婆 姆婆去作客 投大伯 大伯去還龜 投姊夫 姊夫開窗仔賣土紙 有賣伊 無賣我 害我心肝噗噗彈 雞母換雞僆 雞僆走去店 龜咬劍 劍無尾 鱔魚咬柿粿 柿粿必作周 鱔魚咬黑鰡 黑鰡水裡泅 老公仔穿破裘 穿到十八補 娶無某 娶一隻閹雞古 egret car to Aberdeen Found a piece of money to buy things, auntie The aunt does nothing to curse Curse No Tomb Mother M went to be a guest Uncle is going to return the turtle to my brother-in-law Brother-in-law opens the window and sells soil paper Some sell my uncle, but not sell me, it hurts my heart. Chicken hens for chickens, chickens go to the store Turtle bites sword, sword without tail, eel bites persimmon cake Persimmon Kueh must be made Zhou Eel bites black radon Black radon swimming in the water, the old man wears the fur Wear to the eighteenth supplement, marry Wumou, marry a capon ancient
傳統習俗 Tradition & Custom
爌 窯 Sweet potatoes Cooking
(虎頭埤 1943)(Hutoupi 1943)台灣地狹人稠,甘藷耐旱,易種易收 是本土的主要作物之一 一小塊藷種落地 可以長出好幾大條甘藷 二次大戰前後,台灣人以此為主食 臺灣話「甘藷毋驚落土爛,只求枝葉代代綻」 用甘藷象徵台灣人篳路藍縷 不屈於惡劣環境的堅韌個性 是其他語言少有的 甘藷宜蒸宜煮,可烤可炸 藷葉鮮美,極富營養 台南冬夜,常見甕烤甘藷,香聞數里 從前用泥爐木炭煮食 小孩在爐口偷偷烤藷 常把爐火弄得奄奄欲熄 有一種烤藷的方法,台灣人叫作爌窯 盟機還沒轟炸台灣時,本地人生活還算安定,假日郊遊踏青是很平常的事 城裡的小孩,到鄉下去,只要向農戶打個招呼,就地取材,便可爌窯 三五好友,合力用田土砌個小窯,撿拾枯枝,將窯土燒紅 再把甘藷丟入窯內,毀窯覆藷,大約半個時辰,就可開窯取食 Taiwan is a small and densely populated country, but sweet potatoes are drought-resistant and easy to grow and harvest. It is one of the main crops of the region A small patch of sweet potato seeds can fall to the ground Several large yams can be grown Before and after the Second World War, it was a staple food in Taiwan As the Taiwanese saying goes, "Don't worry about the rottenness of the sweet potatoes, just hope that the leaves will bloom from generation to generation". The sweet potato is a symbol of the Taiwanese people's ambition The resilience of the Taiwanese people to withstand adverse conditions It's a rare language Sweet potatoes can be steamed, boiled, roasted or fried The sweet potato leaves are delicious and highly nutritious On winter nights in Tainan, it's common to roast sweet potatoes in an urn, which smells for miles In the old days, they were cooked on clay cookers and charcoal. Children roasted the yams secretly in the mouth of the cooker The fire was often dying There is a way of roasting sweet potatoes that the Taiwanese call a baked pot. Before the Allied planes bombed Taiwan, life was still stable and it was common for the locals to go out on holidays When city kids went to the countryside, all they had to do was say hello to the farmers, and they could bake their own yams from local ingredients. A group of friends would build a small kiln from the soil, collect dead branches and burn the soil red. Then we throw the sweet potatoes into the kiln, destroy the kiln and cover the potatoes, and in about half an hour we can open the kiln and eat.
結婚照 (台南公園 1933) Wedding Photo (Tainan Park 1933)
1995-03-29 台灣時報副刊 Taiwan Times Supplement 六十年前的婚禮是什麼樣子呢? 傳統婚姻,必須遵循「父母之命,媒妁之言」 不但要「門當戶對」,還得「八字相合」 婚姻的規矩很多,大致上必須遵照「六禮」 先要問名,訂盟,其次是納彩,納幣 最後才能請期,親迎 日人據台之後,西風東漸,婦女不再纏足 台灣人的教育水準普遍提高 男女之間亦能公開交往 知識階級對婚姻的自主性固然重視 一般年輕人也開始流行「戀愛風」 至於婚禮,從古典慢慢變成「改良式」 繁複的過程簡化不少 二十年代,身掛紅花,騎馬迎親的新郎已經非常少見 不過多數新娘還是鳳冠霞被,乘坐花轎出閣 三十年代才有穿著燕尾西服的新郎和頭戴白紗手捧鮮花的新娘舉行新式婚禮 花童在拍結婚照時是不可或缺的人物,男儐相也是西裝革履,女儐相卻不多見 最特別的是媒婆竟然也端坐其中 圖片來源: 林路尾先生提供 What did weddings look like 60 years ago? Traditional marriages were based on "the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker". Not only did the couple have to be 'right for each other', they also had to be 'compatible with each other' There are many rules and regulations for marriage, but in general, the six rites must be followed Firstly, the name must be asked and the marriage contract must be made, followed by the acceptance of the colour and coins. Finally, the date of the marriage must be requested and the marriage must take place. After the Japanese took over Taiwan, women were no longer bound by the foot. The standard of education in Taiwan was generally improved Men and women were also able to have open relationships with each other The intellectual class was certainly interested in the autonomy of marriage Young people in general began to fall in love with each other. As for weddings, they are slowly changing from the classical to the "modified" style The complexities of the process were simplified In the 1920s, it was rare to see a groom wearing red flowers and riding a horse to the wedding. However, most brides still rode out in a sedan chair It was only in the 1930s that a groom in a tuxedo and a bride in a white veil with flowers were married in a new style The flower girl was an essential part of the wedding photo, and while the male best man was dressed in a suit, the female best man was not so common. The most unusual feature was that a matchmaker was also present. Photo courtesy of Mr. Lim, Loo-bue
語言與文學 Language, Dialect & Literature
(參考 Vol. 148 p.70- 76 自動化科技 一九九六年九月) (Refer to Vol. 148 p.70-76 Automation Technology September 1996) 「彙集雅俗通十五音」為台灣流行最廣的漳州韻書 使用韻母「君堅金規嘉,干公乖經觀,沽嬌稽恭高 皆巾姜甘瓜,江兼交迦檜,監○膠居○,更褌茄梔薑 驚官鋼伽閒,姑姆光閂糜,○箴爻扛牛」五十字 聲母「柳邊求去地,頗他曾入時,英門語出喜」十五字 源自「韻略易通」(1442)的早梅詩 「東風破早梅,向暖一枝開,冰雪無人見,春從天上來」 與福州韻書﹝八音字義便覽﹞的聲母詩 「柳邊求去低,波他爭日時,鶯蒙語出喜,(打掌與君知)」 其組合方式雖沿用五言,惟已跳脫文學意函,比較類似「口訣」 十五音即以此命名,全書收錄字彙約一萬四千 目前所知最早的「彙集雅俗通十五音」 當屬嘉慶戊寅(1818)謝秀嵐所編版本 現藏倫敦大英博物館 同治己巳(1869)漳州顏錦華木刻本,通行最廣 王育德博士則用光緒庚子(1900)福州集新堂木刻本 吳守禮教授編修台灣省通志稿時 曾參考廈門會文堂版本(出版年代未詳) 台灣本地印刷的嘉義版「彙集雅俗通十五音」(1935) 大部分內容與廈門會文堂版本大致相同 唯手抄字体互異,顯然各有所本,目錄的編排亦有少許出入 嘉義版先排韻母五十字,其次依序列印一至八卷韻母八音字母 最後才是切音十五字,和呼十五音法,似較會文堂版合理 "A collection of elegant and popular fifteen tones" is the most popular rhyme book in Taiwan. the Zhangzhou Rhyme Book The rhyme scheme uses the rhyme scheme "Jun Jian Jin Jie Jia, Gan Gong Wei Jing Guan, Gu Jiao Ji Gong Gao All the rhymes are in ginger and gourd, the rhymes are in cypress, the rhymes are in gum and ginger, and the rhymes are in gardenia The words "The government has no time to spare, and the government has no time to turn off the cattle. The vowel is "The willow side seeks to go to the ground, quite a few times he has entered, and the Yingmen speaks with joy" (15 characters) From a poem on early plum blossoms in the Rhyming Dictionary (1442) "The east wind breaks the early plum, a branch blooms in the warmth, no one can see it in the snow, spring comes from heaven" A poem with the vowels of the Fuzhou rhyme book (a convenient guide to the meanings of the eight vowels) "The willows are low, the waves compete with the sun, the onions are happy, and (the palm of the hand is known to you)". Although the composition is based on the five words, it has been taken out of its literary meaning and is more akin to a 'catchphrase'. This is the name given to the fifteen tones, and the book contains a vocabulary of about 14,000 characters. The earliest known collection of the fifteen tones The earliest known edition of the book is by Xie Xiulan in 1818 Now in the British Museum, London A woodcut by Yan Jinhua of Zhangzhou in 1869, the most widely used edition Dr. Wang Yude used the woodcut edition of Gengzi (1900) in Fuzhou, Guangxu When Professor Wu Shou-li compiled the manuscript of the general history of Taiwan Province The Xiamen Huiwen Tang edition (date of publication unknown) The Chiayi edition of the locally printed "Collection of the Fifteen Tones of the Elegant and Popular Tong" (1935) Most of the contents are more or less the same as those in the Xiamen Huewendang edition However, the handwritten scripts are different, so it is clear that each has its own text, and there are some differences in the arrangement of the catalogue The Chiayi edition begins with the rhyme scheme of fifty characters, followed by the eight letters of the rhyme scheme in volumes one to eight The last of the fifteen characters of the rhyme scheme is more reasonable than that of the Hoi Man Tong edition
轆 轤 reel
(1990-03-03 自立早報 Independent Morning Post)濃霧瀰漫山谷 遠處傳來幾聲雞啼 天 尚未破曉 井邊的轆轤 已經 轉個不停 A dense mist fills the valley A few rooster crows in the distance Dawn has not yet appeared The reel by the well has been spinning
糕 餅 店 pastry shop
(1990-05-26 自立早報 Independent Morning Post)暗夜正被曙色吞沒 糕餅店的師傅 揮舞著棍棒 露珠滴下 一爐火 就要升起 The night is being swallowed by the dawn pastry chef waving a stick dew drops a fire about to rise
討 海 Over the sea
(1990-06-14 自立早報 Independent Morning Post)船在海裡衝浪 朝曦 從灰黯的雲隙穿出 風很急 浪很高 雷聲隆隆 小舟卻不屈不撓 boat surfing in the sea dawn through the dark cloud the wind is fast high waves thunder rumble The boat is unyielding
秋 水 Autumn Water
八 田 壯 闊 堤 峰 巒 翠 欲 滴 埤 圳 織 錦 布 沃 野 稻 香 盈 乘 風 觀 曉 霧 須 臾 滿 棹 飛 扁 舟 一 葉 輕 千 里 雲 湮 隱 八田先生監造的大堤,靜靜地躺著,湖水映照綠色的山巒,看來青翠欲滴. 陽光下,渠道和埤圳在錦繡大地交織,滋潤著嘉南平原千里沃野, 二期稻浪翻飛,粟香迎風撲鼻. 我正想順風造訪晨霧的故居, 忽然間,小船已在濛濛湮水中了. 年逾四十,方知逝者如斯, 不知何時能得一葉扁舟,再訪秋水湮雲? (一九九五 秋遊珊瑚潭) Hachida's magnificent embankment The peaks and mountains are green Pizhen brocade cloth fertile wild rice fragrant Riding the wind and watching the mist Take a moment to fly A flat boat is light with one leaf Thousands of miles of clouds are hidden The embankment built under the supervision of Mr. Hatta lies quietly, the lake water reflects the green mountains, and it looks verdant. Under the sun, the channels and the pizhen are intertwined in the splendid land, nourishing the fertile fields of the Jianan Plain, In the second phase, the rice waves are flying, and the fragrance of millet is blowing in the wind. I was about to visit the former residence of the morning mist downwind Suddenly, the boat was already in the misty water. When I was over forty years old, I knew that the deceased was like this, I don't know when I can get a flat boat and visit the autumn waters and clouds again? (1995 Autumn Tour to Coral Pool)
春 曉 Spring Dawn
(台灣府城大南門) (South Gate of Tainan)台灣府本無城池 西元一七二三年(雍正元年)始建木柵,城門七座 西元一七三六年(乾隆元年),改以土石築城 增建城樓,並以刺竹,珊瑚(咾咕石)圍繞木柵 西元一七八八年(乾隆五十三年),改建磚垣 加增小西門後,計有大小城門八座 日政時期,城拆垣毀 僅餘大東門,大南門與小西門 二次戰後,小西門因道路拓寬,遷建於成大校園 大南門為歇山重簷,城基宏偉,外有月城相護 昔時乃府城南郊屏障 今因毗鄰市區,且經整建,風貌大不如前 左圖攝於三十年代,古城殘月,頗富詩意 There is no city wall in the prefecture of Taiwan In 1723 AD (the first year of Yongzheng), a wooden fence was built, with seven city gates In 1736 AD (the first year of Qianlong), the city was built with earth and stone. The city towers were added, and the wooden fences were surrounded by thorn bamboo and coral. In 1788 AD (fifty-three years of Qianlong), the brick wall was rebuilt After the addition of Xiaoximen, there are eight large and small city gates. During the Japanese political period, the city was demolished Only Dadongmen, Dananmen and Xiaoximen remain After the Second World War, Xiaoximen was relocated to the campus of Chengdu University due to the widening of the road. The South Gate is covered with double eaves of Xieshan Mountain, the city base is magnificent, and there is a moon city outside. In the past, it was a barrier to the southern suburbs of Fucheng. Today, because it is adjacent to the urban area and has been renovated, the style is not as good as before. The picture on the left was taken in the 1930s, with the waning moon in the ancient city, which is quite poetic
西大成坊 West Dachengfang
(台南孔子廟 1942) (Tainan Confucius Temple 1942)台南市南門路的文廟素有「全臺首學」美譽 當地人習稱「孔子廟」,是台灣最早的官建文廟 鄭成功於西元一六六一年(永曆十五年)渡台 隔年辭世,鄭經繼位 參軍陳永華以興儒學,明教化,對抗異族侵略 乃於西元一六六五年倡建孔廟,築大成殿及明倫堂 翌年擴建文廟,規模漸具 康熙時御筆「萬世師表」,定名為台灣府學 乾隆,嘉慶,道光,同治各代均有增修 西元一九一七年(大正六年),台灣總督府再次大修 每年春秋並依古制舉行祭典 文廟坐北朝南,三進兩廂 左學右廟,前殿後閣,為傳統三合院建築 廟庭廣大,古樹參天,東設禮門,西為義路 廟門正前方建有半月泮池,池中有藻有芹 南壁外有「思樂泮水」四字,語出詩經魯頌 正門除祭典外平時並不開放 一般人進入文廟需走東西側門,也就是大成坊 The Confucian Temple on Nanmen Road in Tainan City is known as "the first school in Taiwan" The locals used to call it "Confucius Temple", which is the earliest official Confucian temple in Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong crossed Taiwan in 1661 (the fifteenth year of the Yongli calendar). He died the following year and was succeeded by Zheng Jing Joining the army, Chen Yonghua promotes Confucianism, educates the Ming Dynasty, and fights against alien aggression In 1665, he advocated the construction of the Confucian Temple, the Dacheng Hall and the Minglun Hall. The Confucian Temple was expanded in the following year, and the scale gradually took shape Emperor Kangxi's imperial pen "Wen Shi Shi Biao", named Taiwan Fuxue Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, and Tongzhi dynasties have added revisions In 1917 (Taisho six years), the Taiwan Governor's Office was overhauled again Every spring and autumn, a festival is held according to the ancient system The Confucian Temple faces south, with three entrances and hatchbacks The left school and the right temple, the front hall and the rear pavilion, are traditional three-sided courtyard buildings. The temple is vast, with towering ancient trees, Limen in the east and Yi Road in the west. In front of the temple gate is the Banyue Pan Pond, which contains algae and celery. Outside the south wall, there are four characters "Sile Panshui", which speaks Lu Song of the Book of Songs The main gate is not open except for festivals Most people enter the Confucian Temple through the east and west doors, which is Dachengfang.
重道崇文坊 Literature Monument
嘉慶十八年清廷頒「重道崇文」匾 旌表府城林朝英獨資修建台灣縣學(今孔子廟) 嘉慶二十年立坊於龍王廟前 日政時期因闢路,拆廟移坊,遷建於台南公園 石坊為兩面重簷,四柱三間,雕工細膩 橫額刻有「重道崇文」四字 楹聯四對,為當時名宦所題 其中有「碩行重東瀛洵人倫之冠冕」等字句 可見當時文士已習用「東瀛」代稱台灣 坊基由數十塊青石構成,建坊用石,運自唐山 反宇飛簷,瓦當滴水,鴟尾雀替,雖仿木構形,均以石鑿 期其「春秋永著」之意 石坊前後有潭水相繞,田田荷葉 外加小橋流水,更添幾分風雅 府城現存碑坊大多淪落市井 唯有此坊,遠離塵囂,長伴燕潭秋月 In the 18th year of Jiaqing, the Qing court awarded the plaque "Chongdao and Chongwen" Lin Chaoying, the city of Jingbiao, solely invested in the construction of Taiwan County School (now the Confucius Temple) In the 20th year of Jiaqing, Lifang was established in front of the Dragon King Temple During the Japanese government period, due to road construction, temples were demolished and workshops moved, and relocated to Tainan Park. The stone square has double eaves on two sides, four pillars and three rooms, with delicate carvings. The banner is engraved with the words "Chongdao Chongwen" Four pairs of couplets, inscribed by famous officials at that time Among them, there are words such as "Shuo Xing weighs the crown of eastern Yingxun human relations" and so on. It can be seen that the scribes at that time had been used to referring to Taiwan as "East Ying". The base of the building is composed of dozens of bluestones, and the stone used for building the building is transported from Tangshan. The anti-yu flying eaves, the tiles dripping water, the owl-tailed sparrows are replaced, although the imitation wood configuration, they are all chiseled with stone. Looking forward to the meaning of "spring and autumn forever" Before and after Shifang, there are pools and water, and lotus leaves in fields Add a small bridge and flowing water, adding a bit of elegance Most of the existing monuments in Fucheng have been reduced to the market Only this place, far away from the hustle and bustle, is always with Yantan Qiuyue
單桅帆 - 台灣戎克船 Sloop - Taiwan Junk Ship(1928)
台灣四面環海 從前主要海上交通工具都是單桅帆船 當年「唐山過台灣」 冒險橫渡黑水溝就靠這種「戎克船」 「戎克船」來往台灣海峽 每遇狂風大浪,險象環生 先民渡台,十有五六葬身海底 為了讓航程平穩,減少海浪造成的顛簸 起程時就用大塊「青斗石」壓在艙底 回航滿載糖米,壓艙石留在台灣 這些「唐山石」,成了建築廟宇的上好石材 「戎克船」順風揚帆,速度相當快捷 不只航行外海,也曾通航內陸河川 運駁三郊糖鹽米糧 大正十五年(1926)台南運河修鑿完成 水深二至三米,戎克船仍可往來停泊 後來安平港口日漸淤塞 單桅帆船淪為漁撈運補工具 等到小蒸汽船增多,「戎克船」便功成身退了 1996-03-12 Taiwan is surrounded by sea In the past, the main means of transportation at sea were dhows Back then "Tangshan Crossing Taiwan" This "Junk Ship" is the only way to venture across the black ditch "Junk ships" to and from the Taiwan Strait Every time there are strong winds and waves, there are dangers The ancestors crossed the platform, and five or six out of ten were buried at the bottom of the sea In order to make the flight smooth and reduce the turbulence caused by the waves When we set off, we pressed a large piece of "blue bucket stone" on the bilge Returning voyage full of sugar and rice, ballast stone left in Taiwan These "Tangshan Stones" have become the best stones for building temples The "Junk Ship" sails downwind, and the speed is quite fast Not only sailing open seas, but also sailing inland rivers Transportation of sugar, salt and rice grains in Sanjiao In the fifteenth year of Taisho (1926), the construction of the Tainan Canal was completed. The water depth is two to three meters, and junk boats can still be moored. Later, Anping port became silted up Dhows become tools for fishing and replenishment When the number of small steamships increased, the "Junk Ship" successfully retired 1996-03-12
晒鹽 sun salt
台灣最早晒鹽,肇於府城 史載明末鄭王渡台,引海水入田,經日曝晒成鹽 自此開展府城三百多年鹽業 台南也成為鹽運中心 當時最早的鹽田即是今日台南鹽埕 傳統晒鹽分小汛,大汛 每年十月至翌年二月是小汛 此後至四五月,天氣轉熱,又值乾旱,稱為大汛 晒鹽時鹽工利用漲潮將海水引入鹽田 等到海水結晶成鹽,再鏟入畚箕 用人力挑至鹽田兩側堆放 大汛時,鹽民通常夜半三,四點上工,黃昏收工 工作吃重,收入卻十分微薄 賺的真是「艱苦錢」 因此鹽工經常感嘆「晒一世人鹽,苦擱澀」 城裡人假日驅車至鹽田觀賞落日餘暉 很少想到鹽工曾在豔陽下揮汗挑擔 由於年輕人不願從事,鹽工不斷減少 老輩凋零以後,鹽場就逐漸萎縮了 1996-03-24 The earliest sun-dried salt in Taiwan originated in Fucheng History records that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Wang crossed the platform, introduced seawater into the fields, and was exposed to the sun to form salt. Since then, the salt industry in Fucheng has been developed for more than 300 years Tainan also became the center of salt transportation The earliest Yantian at that time is today's Yancheng in Tainan. Traditional drying of salt for small floods and large floods Every year from October to February of the following year is Xiaoxun From then to April and May, the weather turns hot and dry, which is called the Great Flood. When the salt is being dried, the salt workers use the rising tide to introduce the seawater into the salt field Wait until the seawater crystallizes into salt, then shovel into the dustpan Pick it up by hand to both sides of the salt field and stack it During the flood season, salt workers usually go to work at three or four in the middle of the night and end at dusk. Hard work and low income It's really hard money Therefore, salt workers often sigh that "the whole world has been exposed to salt, and it is bitter and astringent." City people drive to Yantian to watch the sunset on holidays Rarely thought that the salt workers had sweated and carried their burdens in the bright sun Salt workers are declining as young people are reluctant to work After the old withered, the salt field gradually shrank 1996-03-24
交趾燒 Cochin Pottery
交趾陶,又名交趾燒 經葉王及其門生在嘉義開窯燒製 作出光彩豔麗的低溫陶 (1100-1200 ℃) 用釉技巧,堪稱獨步 嘉南地區新建廟宇,巨富豪宅用陶,多出其手 葉王本名麟趾,祖籍漳州平和 嘉慶年間,隨父居嘉義,後遷麻豆 從廣東名匠學製陶,盡得真傳 交趾陶的特色在於指捏塑技和釉彩多變 各類器皿,人物,山川草木,花鳥走獸均能造塑 並將彩釉特性發揮得淋漓盡致 即使塑於廟廊簷角,經日晒雨淋,亦能保存數百年之久 日政時期葉王交趾燒曾至巴黎世界博覽會參展 獲有「東方瑰寶」之美譽 台灣僅佳里震興宮和學甲慈濟宮尚有葉王作品 Jiaozhi pottery, also known as Jiaozhi burnt Jing Ye Wang and his disciples opened a kiln and fired in Chiayi Make brilliant low temperature pottery (1100-1200 ℃) The skill of using glaze is unique New temples in Jianan area, pottery used in the houses of the rich and rich, and more Ye Wang's real name is Linzhi, and his ancestral home is Pinghe, Zhangzhou. During the Jiaqing period, he lived in Chiayi with his father, and later moved to Madou Learn to make pottery from Guangdong famous craftsmen The characteristics of Jiaozhi pottery lie in the finger-kneading technique and the variety of glaze colors All kinds of utensils, figures, mountains and rivers, plants, flowers, birds and animals can be shaped And give full play to the characteristics of color glaze Even if it is molded on the eaves of the temple corridor, it can be preserved for hundreds of years after being exposed to the sun and rain. During the Japanese political period, Yewang Jiaozhi ware was exhibited at the Paris World Exposition Won the reputation of "Oriental Treasure" In Taiwan, only Jiali Zhenxing Palace and Xuejia Tzu Chi Palace still have works by Ye Wang
寺廟彩飾 - 剪黏藝術 Temple Ornaments - Cut and Stick Art
清代中葉台灣寺廟以陶燒彩飾居多 佳里古廟震興宮和學甲慈濟宮 即為當代交趾陶大師葉王的代表作 後因交趾陶質脆易破,修復不易 改以陶瓷碗片黏貼的剪黏技術應運而生 取其溫潤平實,並可鑲嵌細琢的特性 不論人物造形,廟脊飛簷,墀頭壁堵 均可展現金璧輝煌的特徵 剪黏作品先以鐵絲彎製主体架構 再用鏝刀砌土塑出外形,待八分乾時 選取所需顏色弧度的陶瓷碗片 以鐵剪即剪即貼,黏料則以灰石燒末 添加糯米,黑糖,海菜粉充分拌合 晚清潮汕剪黏大師何金龍在台期間 主持不少廟宇整修工程,作品包羅萬象 台南佳里金唐殿尚存數堵剪黏 結構精巧,工夫細緻,氣勢神韻,無人能及 1996-03-13 Most of the temples in Taiwan in the middle of the Qing Dynasty were decorated with pottery and colorful decorations. Jiali Temple, Zhenxing Palace and Xuejia Tzu Chi Palace It is the representative work of contemporary Jiaozhi pottery master Ye Wang Later, due to the brittleness and easy breakage of the pottery of Jiaozhi, it is not easy to repair. The cut-and-stick technology that was changed to ceramic bowls came into being Whichever is warm and smooth, and can be inlaid with fine cutting characteristics Regardless of the shape of the characters, the eaves of the temple ridge, the wall of the head All can show the characteristics of gold and jade The cut-and-stick work first uses iron wire to bend the main structure Then use a trowel to lay the soil to shape the shape, and wait for eight minutes to dry. Select the ceramic bowl piece of the desired color radian Cut and paste with iron scissors, and the adhesive is burnt with limestone Add glutinous rice, brown sugar and sea vegetable powder and mix well During the late Qing Dynasty, when He Jinlong, a master of cutting and sticking in Chaoshan, was in Taiwan Presided over many temple renovation projects, works are all-encompassing There are still several blocks in the Jintang Hall in Jiali, Tainan Exquisite structure, meticulous workmanship, imposing charm, unparalleled 1996-03-13
Red turtle print, pastry mold
台灣人拜天公,謝神,小孩彌月,度債(周歲) 都會訂製俗稱「米龜」的紅龜粿分贈親友 紅龜粿外皮為糯米,內包豆沙,紅豆 並用「粿印」打模後蒸熟即可食用 男女訂婚時,男方必須準備納彩用的喜餅 這種訂婚禮餅有兩種,一為圓形大餅 另一種為六式盒裝禮餅 喜餅由專業餅舖製作,用手工「餅模」印成 「餅模」雕有各類吉祥圖案,或陰刻花卉水果 有名氣的老牌餅舖還會加上店號,以廣招徠 傳統糕餅舖,還有各式各樣的「糕仔印」 造形純樸簡單,圖樣豐富多變 由於糕類食品結構鬆散 因此雕模難度頗高,講究刀法俐落,線條流暢 製作糕仔時掌模技巧更需拿捏得宜 非有數年經驗,不能領悟個中三味 昔日台南老店讓成珍,「口酥餅」名聞遐邇,百吃不膩,用料獨特,入口即融 當家師傅郭讓糕餅工夫堪稱一絕,運模敲模鏗鏘有致,動感十足 全身跟隨木頭發出的悅耳韻律起舞,充分展現和諧的力與美 Taiwanese people worship God, thank God, children are full of moon, and debts (one year old) We will order the red turtle kueh, commonly known as "rice turtle", to give to relatives and friends The outer skin of the red turtle cake is glutinous rice, and the inside is bean paste and red beans. And use "Kui Yin" to mold, steam and eat When a man and a woman get engaged, the man must prepare a wedding cake There are two kinds of this kind of engagement cake, one is a round cake The other is a six-pack gift cake The cakes are made by professional cake shops and printed with hand-made "cake molds" The "cake mold" is carved with various auspicious patterns, or inscribed with flowers and fruits The famous old bakery will also add the store number to attract the public Traditional pastry shop, as well as a variety of "cake prints" Simple and simple shape, rich and varied patterns Due to the loose structure of cakes Therefore, it is very difficult to carve a model, and it pays attention to the neatness of the knife and the smooth lines. When making cakes, the palm mold skills need to be properly handled Unless you have several years of experience, you cannot comprehend the three flavors In the past, the old shop in Tainan made Chengzhen, and the "Kou Shortcake" is famous far and wide. It is not greasy, and the ingredients are unique. The master chef Guo Rang's pastry craftsmanship can be called a masterpiece. The whole body dances to the melodious rhythm of the wood, fully showing the power and beauty of harmony
茄苳入石柳 Eggplant into Willow Wood
茄苳又名重陽木,深棕色,根,葉,樹皮均可入藥 民間常用根葉燉雞作為滋補聖品 石柳,高約丈餘,木材細緻堅實,色呈深黃 台灣早期到處可見合抱茄苳 府城先民以茄苳為母材,再鑲入石柳精雕飾物 用以製作神案,供桌,神轎,公媽龕,神匾 甚至眠床,太師椅,五斗櫃等日常家具 此類木工技藝,難度頗高,俗稱「茄苳入石柳」 石柳以類似木榫方式上膠鑲入茄苳後,相當牢靠 一般平面作品取其色澤分明,製作比較容易 浮雕式鑲嵌則需將石柳以立体方式雕刻 茄苳除鑲入石柳以外亦有透雕或浮雕部分 製作過程相當費時,所需工夫尤深 作品圖案一般以傳統故事及人物為題材 間或加入花草鳥獸,吉祥圖案以資配合 茄苳石柳材質堅硬,不易腐蝕,唯因鑲嵌接榫最怕潮濕,若經水泡淹,極易脫落 匠師手藝,每多家傳,由於費工耗時,子女不願入行,此業逐漸式微 近因石柳素材難尋,改以七里香木取代,日後「茄苳入石柳」恐成絕響 1996-04-08 Solanum chinensis, also known as Chongyang wood, is dark brown, and its roots, leaves and bark can be used as medicine Stewed chicken with roots and leaves is commonly used as a nourishing holy product Stone willow, about ten feet high, the wood is fine and firm, the color is dark yellow In the early days of Taiwan, A. sylvestris can be seen everywhere. Fucheng ancestors used eggplant as the base material, and then inlaid stone willow ornaments It is used to make god cases, offering tables, shrines, shrines for gods and mothers, and god plaques. Even sleeping bed, Taishi chair, chest of drawers and other daily furniture This kind of woodworking skills is quite difficult, commonly known as "Eggplant into Shiliu" After the stone willow is glued and inserted into the eggplant in a similar way as a wood tenon, it is quite reliable. Generally, flat works have clear colors and are easier to make. Relief inlay requires the stone willow to be carved in a three-dimensional manner In addition to being inlaid with Shi willow, the eggplant also has openwork or relief parts The production process is quite time-consuming and requires a lot of work The patterns of the works are generally based on traditional stories and characters. Occasionally add flowers, plants, birds and animals, auspicious patterns to match Ashwagandha is hard material, not easy to corrode, but because the inlaid tenon is most afraid of moisture, if it is flooded by water, it will easily fall off The craftsman's craftsmanship is passed down by each family. Due to the time-consuming and labor-intensive, children are reluctant to enter the industry, and the industry is gradually declining. Recently, due to the difficulty of finding the material of Shillow, it was replaced by Qilixiangmu. In the future, "Eggplant and Shillow" may become an absolute noise. 1996-04-08
肚綰 - 林李榭榴作品 Dudou - Works by Lim Li Sialiu
一領肚綰黑羊緞 千針萬線娘會款 這領哪繡好 赴送君仔去征番 二領肚綰白百永 千針萬線娘會摒 這領哪繡好 赴送親君久你揀 三領肚綰紅幼綢 千針萬線娘會繡 這領哪繡好 赴送厝邊好朋友 四領肚綰蔓年纏 千針萬線娘會填 這領哪繡好 赴送親君你底錢 五領肚綰五樣樣 千針萬線娘會想 這領哪繡好 赴送親君去掛香 六領肚綰黑爪絲 赴繡鳥仔息樹枝 這領哪繡好 送乎君你少年時 七領肚綰蜘蛛網 中央赴繡八卦窗 這領哪繡好 勸咧想君一世人 1998-02-10 A collar with black sheep satin, a thousand needles and ten thousand threads, which is a good embroidery of this collar, and I will send it to Junzai for the expedition. Two collar belly, Bai Baiyong, thousands of needles and ten thousand threads, will be discarded Three-collar belly red silk, thousands of needles and ten thousand threads, the mother can embroider this collar, which is good to embroider. I will send it to my good friend by the house. The four collars are wrapped around the belly for many years, thousands of needles and ten thousand threads will be filled by the maid who will embroider this collar, and you will send the money to the king Five collars and belly wraps in five ways, thousands of needles and ten thousand threads, the lady will think about which collar is better to embroider, and go to send your relatives to hang incense Six-collar belly, black claw silk, go to embroider the bird and rest on the branches Seven collars and belly-wrap cobwebs. The center went to embroider the gossip window. Which collar is better to embroider? 1998-02-10
千山有徑 (南橫公路 1979) Thousands of Mountains Have Trails (Nanheng Highway 1979)
(1995-03-27 台灣時報副刊) (1995-03-27 Taiwan Times Supplement)南部橫貫公路,西起北寮,東至海端 沿線經玉山,甲仙,寶來,桃源,復興,梅蘭 樟山,梅山,禮觀,天池,檜谷,啞口,向陽 栗園,摩天嶺,利稻,霧鹿,全長167公里 北寮至啞口為上坡路段,往東開始下坡 大關山隧道,長615公尺,位於106公里處 標高2727公尺,步行通過約需五分鐘 啞口位於南橫107公里處 標高2931公尺,為公路全線最高點 由於四周盡是三千公尺以上大山環繞 常有濃霧籠罩,間或落石 附近有登山口一處 可攀爬關山嶺,塔關山和向陽山 天池至檜谷為原始森林區 啞口至向陽約六公里,沿途遍植楓樹,深秋葉紅 東南方可見日出雲海,西北側有高坡,俯視荖濃溪谷 向陽至栗園約十公里,板栗成林 利稻至霧鹿約九公里,可見霧鹿溪,公路蜿蜒曲折,峽谷風景千變萬化 South Cross Highway, from Beiliao in the west to the sea in the east Along the route through Yushan, Jiaxian, Baolai, Taoyuan, Fuxing, Meilan Zhangshan, Meishan, Liguan, Tianchi, Cypress Valley, Dukou, Xiangyang Liyuan, Motianling, Lidao, Wulu, with a total length of 167 kilometers The road from Beiliao to Yakou is an uphill section, and it starts to go downhill to the east. Daguanshan Tunnel, 615 meters long, located at 106 kilometers The elevation is 2727 meters, and it takes about five minutes to walk through The dumb mouth is located at 107 kilometers south. The elevation is 2931 meters, which is the highest point of the highway Because it is surrounded by mountains above 3,000 meters Often covered in dense fog, occasionally falling rocks There is a hiking trail nearby Can climb Guanshan Ridge, Taguan Mountain and Xiangyang Mountain Tianchi to Juniper Valley is a virgin forest area It is about 6 kilometers from Dukou to Xiangyang, maple trees are planted along the way, and the leaves are red in late autumn The sunrise cloud sea can be seen in the southeast, and there is a high slope in the northwest, overlooking the Anonong Valley It is about ten kilometers from Xiangyang to Chestnut Garden, where chestnuts grow into forests It is about 9 kilometers from Lidao to Wulu, you can see Wulu Stream, the road is winding, and the scenery of the canyon is ever-changing.
台灣穀倉 - 嘉南平原 Taiwan Barn - Chienan Plain
嘉南平原東探中央山脈,西臨台灣海峽 北起濁水溪以連山為界,南隔曾文溪與高屏為鄰 由於北回歸線貫穿平原中部 地跨溫熱兩帶,全年日照充足 又有八條溪流由東而西注入海峽 沖積平原地形,地理環境原本極適農作耕耘 無奈全年雨量不均,集水區域僅含耕地之半 又因砂鹽土質,先民胼手胝足,只得少量看天田 盡力田畝,猶憂歲欠,「風調雨順」,方有餘糧 七八九月颱風多,雨量大,山洪驟下,急流氾濫 田園蘆舍,瞬間化為烏有 秋末冬春常乾旱,豔陽下,田土龜裂,塵沙蔽天 朔風來襲,數月不見滴水 若是年年氾濫乾旱交互肆虐 雖有數十萬頃耕地,只能任其荒蕪 日本大正九年(1920),台灣總督府應本地農民要求 指派土木技師八田與一,闢建嘉南大圳,歷時十年 昭和五年(1930)五月竣工,修築渠道百餘萬米,灌溉良田十五萬甲 自此四千多平方公里土地,沃野無垠,稻香起伏,埤圳縱橫其間,農舍星羅棋布 成為台灣最大穀倉,最富庶的平原,更為台灣農業經濟,開創無限生機 1996-03-16 The Jianan Plain explores the Central Mountains in the east and faces the Taiwan Strait in the west The Zhuoshui River in the north is bounded by Lianshan Mountain, and the Zengwen River and Gaoping are adjacent to the south. Since the Tropic of Cancer runs through the middle of the plain The ground spans both warm and hot zones, with sufficient sunshine throughout the year Eight more streams flow into the strait from east to west Alluvial plain terrain, the geographical environment was originally very suitable for farming Unfortunately, the rainfall is uneven throughout the year, and the catchment area only contains half of the cultivated land. And because of the sandy and salty soil, the ancestors had calluses and feet, so they could only see Tiantian a little. I try my best for the land, but I still worry about the debts of the years In July, August and September, there are many typhoons, heavy rainfall, flash floods, and rapid flooding Pastoral reed house, instantly vanished into nothingness In the late autumn, winter and spring, it is often dry, under the sun, the fields are cracked, and the sky is covered with dust and sand. The north wind strikes, and there is no drop of water for several months If the yearly floods and droughts ravage each other Although there are hundreds of thousands of hectares of arable land, it can only be left to be desolate In the ninth year of Taisho, Japan (1920), the Taiwan Governor's Office was requested by local farmers Assigned civil engineer Hata Yuichi to build Jianan Shenzhen, which lasted ten years The construction was completed in May of the fifth year of the Showa era (1930), more than one million meters of canals were built, and 150,000 fertile fields were irrigated. Since then, the land of more than 4,000 square kilometers has been covered with fertile fields, undulating rice fragrance, and pizhen, and farmhouses are dotted all over the place. Become Taiwan's largest barn, the most prosperous plain, and create infinite vitality for Taiwan's agricultural economy 1996-03-16
鳳凰木 (Flamboyant Tree)
(徒手繪 1987) (Freehand 1987)
Royal poinciana, Peacock tree Delonix regia 一種豆科喬木,原產馬達加斯加 株高6-12米,五月開花,花色鮮紅似火 葉羽狀分裂,春夏深綠,入秋變黃 台南,古稱鳳凰城,街道兩旁,遍植此樹 住家庭園亦多種之,以其株高葉茂,夏日得蔭 此株一年四色,遠觀近看,極富詩意 府城學子嘗云: "鳳凰花開,驪歌乍唱" 意味著畢業的日子已經來臨 圖片說明: 三月小陽春,嫩芽新抽,一轉眼,綠葉滿枝 五六月間,滿城火海,蟬鳴彼此應和,為炎炎盛夏拉開序曲 時方晚秋,葉色漸黃,微風過處,落葉繽紛 歲云將暮,殘葉盡凋 a legume tree native to Madagascar The plant height is 6-12 meters, blooming in May, and the flowers are bright red like fire The leaves are pinnately split, dark green in spring and summer, turning yellow in autumn Tainan, known as Phoenix City in ancient times, is planted with this tree on both sides of the street There are also many kinds of home gardens, with their tall leaves and luxuriant leaves, shade in summer This plant has four colors a year, and it is very poetic when viewed from a distance. Fucheng student tastes cloud: "The phoenix blossoms, and the song is sung" Means graduation day has come illustrate: In the early spring of March, the buds are freshly drawn, and in a blink of an eye, the green leaves are full of branches In May and June, the city is full of flames, and cicadas chirping to reconcile with each other, opening the prelude to the hot summer It's late autumn, the leaves are turning yellow, the breeze is passing, and the fallen leaves are colorful The old clouds will twilight, and the remaining leaves will wither
黑面琵鷺 Black-faced Spoonbill
曾文溪口位於台南西北沿海 面積約三百公頃,為台灣少數重要沼澤區之一 由於曾文溪自上游帶來大量泥沙和有機物質 此一三角沖積扇衍生頗多水棲及浮游生物 成了留鳥和過境候鳥覓食的主要來源 現有鳥類兩百餘種棲息於海口河床沙洲,浮覆地,魚塭,農田和防風林 其中黑面琵鷺為瀕臨絕種的保育類野生動物 目前世界黑面琵鷺總數經記錄僅存288隻 曾文溪口即發現180隻 黑面琵鷺每年九月至翌年四月 在溪口北堤浮覆地度冬 十二月至二月寒流來襲 群鳥並肩,依偎取暖,蔚為奇觀 立春後冬羽漸退 毛色也由純白轉為金黃 此時体內開始貯存能量 三月下旬南台灣氣候逐漸炎熱 黑面琵鷺也振翅北歸 圖片來源:曾文溪口鳥類資源 台南市野鳥協會編印 薛天德先生攝影 Zengwenxikou is located on the northwest coast of Tainan With an area of about 300 hectares, it is one of the few important swamp areas in Taiwan Since Zeng Wenxi brought a lot of sediment and organic matter from the upstream This triangular alluvial fan is rich in aquatic and plankton become the main source of foraging for resident and migratory birds There are more than 200 species of birds living on sandbars, floating land, fish farms, farmland and windbreaks in Haikou riverbed. The black-faced spoonbill is an endangered conservation wildlife At present, only 288 black-faced spoonbills have been recorded in the world 180 animals were found at Zengwenxikou Black-faced Spoonbill from September to April Spend winter on the floating ground of the north embankment of Xikou Cold snap hits from December to February A flock of birds side by side, snuggling to keep warm, is a spectacle After the beginning of spring, the winter feathers gradually recede The coat color has also changed from pure white to golden yellow At this point the body begins to store energy The climate of southern Taiwan gradually becomes hot in late March The black-faced spoonbill also flutters its wings and returns to the north Image source: Zengwenxikou Bird Resources, compiled and printed by Tainan Wild Bird Association, photographed by Mr. Xue Tiande