Flag Counter Tsē-gû-tshia 坐牛車


Ride in an ox cart * 坐牛車

台文原著: 張東瀛

中英翻譯: 張佑竹

電腦合成台語語音(Version 5103)


Ê-poo-sî, tsin-tshiu-tshìn,

Ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suann hong bî-bî,

Tsháu-lê gû-sut, tsah-sim-pinn.

Tshī-lāi-lâng, kiann-pháinn-sè,

Sui-jiân thinn àm lōo-thâu hn̄g,

Siūnn-beh tsē-tshia, m̄-kánn mn̄g.

Tsng-kha-hiann, hó-tsò-hué,

Tsai-iánn lán-tsia siūnn-siánn-huè,

Tshia-phiò bián-the̍h, kín-lâi-tsē.

Lāu-tsuí-gû, tsiok phah-piànn,

Thàu-tsá sái-lê, àm thua-tshia,

Lâng-kheh o-ló, bān-bān-kiânn.

Ride in an ox cart

It's really cool in the afternoon,

The sun goes down and the breeze blows,

Carry a straw hat and bullwhip with you.

City people are so polite.

Although the sky is dark and miles to go ahead,

We wanted to take a ride, but we didn't dare ask.

Brother farmer, easy to get along with.

He Know what we think,

No need for a ticket, come and take a seat.

Old buffalo, very hardworking,

Plowing fields in the morning and towing trailers in the evening,

Guests praise and old guy walks slowly.


下午時,真涼快, 太陽下山微風吹, 草笠牛鞭,隨身帶。

城裡人,真客氣, 雖然天暗路還遠, 想要坐車,不敢問。

農夫兄,好相處, 知道到咱們想甚麼, 車票不用,快來坐。

老水牛,很努力, 早上犁田晚拖車, 客人讚美,慢慢走。

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Last update : 2024-04-25
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