Flag Counter Guá ê Bó-gú - Tâi-Uân-Uē 我的母語 - 台灣話

Guá ê Bó-gú - Tâi-Uân-Uē *

我的母語 - 台灣話 * My Mother Tongue - Taiwanese



Guá ê Bó-gú - Tâi-Uân-Uē

Bó-gú sī lán lâng tshut-sì liáu-āu thâu-tsi̍t-piàn thiaⁿ--tio̍h kap o̍h--tio̍h ê gú-giân. Kòo-hiong sī lán lâng tshut-sì kap sîng-tióng ê sóo-tsāi. M̄-kuán kòo-hiong sī suí iá-sī bái, lán tuì ka-kī ê kòo-hiong lóng ū khah ti̍k-pia̍t ê kám-tsîng. Tshin-tshiūⁿ lán tuì kòo-hiong ê kám-tsîng kāng-khuán, lán tuì ka-kī ê bó-gú mā-sī ài ū tsit-tsióng siūⁿ-huat tsiah-tio̍h. Tâi-Uân-Uē sī guá ê bó-gú. Tī la̍k-huè í-tsîng, guá kan-na ē-hiáu thiaⁿ kap kóng Tâi-uân-uē. Tha̍k-tsheh liáu-āu Guá ū o̍h-kuè Tiong-bûn, Ing-bûn, Ji̍p-bûn kap Se-pan-gâ-bûn. M̄-kú guá iā-sī kám-kak Tâi-uân-uē siōng-hó-thiaⁿ, kóng--khì-lâi ā kài ha̍h guá ê sim-ì.

Gōo-tsa̍p guā tang-tsîng, Tâi-lâm Kuan-Tè-biō kú-pān guân-siau ting-tshai, ū-tsi̍t-ê bê-bīn sī "siông-ngôo phun gua̍t", beh hōo lâng ioh tsi̍t-tsióng tsiáu-á ê miâ. Tsin-tú-hó, Guá khuàⁿ tio̍h tsheh-lāi ū tsi̍t-tsióng tsiáu-á kiò-tsò tshiap-tan, tō sī thau-the̍h io̍h-á ê ì-sù, kah bê-tê tú-hó ū ha̍h. Put-jû-kò guá m̄-tsai "tshiap" beh án-tsuáⁿ tha̍k, tō ka tha̍k-tsò " khiap tan ". Siūⁿ kóng hâm I pò-khuàⁿ-māi--leh. Tsú-tshî-jîn khuàⁿ guá tsi̍t-ê gín-á-phí, koh káⁿ tshut-lâi tshái-ke, iā bô kè-kàu, sing lòng sam-thong-kóo, sàng tsiáng-phín, su-hā tsiah kā guá kóng "tshiap" ê thak-huat. Guá sī Tâi-uân-lâng, Tī hit-khuán tiûⁿ-bīn liâm tsi̍t-tsiah tsiáu-á ê miâ to kóng-bē-hó, si̍t-tsāi kám-kak tsin-kiàn-siàu.

1968-nî, guá khì Tâi-pak tha̍k-tsheh, pan--nih ê tông-ha̍k lóng kóng Tiong-bûn, Tâi-uân-uē kan-ná tī khah tsng-kha ê sóo-tsāi beh mn̄g-lōo ê sî tsiah iōng ē-tio̍h. āu-lâi Guá khì Má-tsóo tsò-ping, ki-hâi-pâi ê tshiong-guân-á tāi-pōo-hūn sī oo-tshiú--ê tshut-sin, siu-lí tshia ê sî-tsūn lóng kóng Tâi-uân-uē. Kàu hit-tsām guá tsiah tsai-iáⁿ Tâi-uân-uē ū tsiok-tsē khiuⁿ-kháu. Kong-guân 1984 nî, guá khì Sîng-kong-tāi-ha̍k siu-si̍p gí-giân-ha̍k, tsiok tsū-jiân tō tsiōng Tâi-gú tòng-tsò gián-kiù ê tuì-siōng. Tha̍k-kuè siong-kuan bûn-hiàn, tsò-kuè tshân-iûⁿ tiâu-tsa, bān-bān tsiah tsai-iáⁿ Tâi-uân-uē guân-tsū kóo-tsá ê Hàn-gú hâm Bân-lâm hong im, lo̍h-bué-tshiú koh iông-ji̍p pún-thóo hâm guā-lâi-gí ê sû-luī. King-kuè kuí pah-nî ê ián-huà tsiah hîng-sîng tsit khuán suí koh tián-ngá ê gú-giân. Tâi-uân-uē ê siaⁿ-tiāu tō tshin-tshiūⁿ ga̍k-phóo ê gōo-siaⁿ im-kai. Tè-saⁿ-siaⁿ sī "Lòo", tē-tshit-siaⁿ sī "Mī", tē-it-siaⁿ sī "Soo". Tshiok-im kap piàn-tiāu koh hōo Tâi-gú ê im-ga̍k-sìng koh-khah hong-hù. Guá tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ kā guā-kok pîng-iú kóng Tâi-gú sī tsi̍t-tsióng im-ga̍k kap si-kua ê gú-giân. In nā m̄-sìn, Guá tō tshiò hit-tiâu "Án-tông-ko bé-tshài" hōo In thiaⁿ gah hīⁿ-á phak-phak, it-ti̍t kóng tsán.

Kong-guân it-kiú-tshit-khòng-nî guá tī ha̍k-hāu o̍h tio̍h tiān-náu tîng-sik siat-kè ki-su̍t. Kong-guân it-kiú-kiú-tsi̍t-nî khì Bí-kok liû-ha̍k, khuàⁿ IBM tī kò-jîn-tiān-náu tián-sī "To-muî-thé ( multimedia )", kám-kak tsit khuán ki-su̍t tsiok ū-lōo-iōng, khai-sí ū tsiong Tâi-gú gú-im tiān-náu-huà ê kòo-sióng. Huê-kok í-āu, guá to̍h siat-kè To-muî-thé ê ìng-iōng nńg-thé. It-kiú-kiú-pat-nî uân-sîng im-ga̍k-ka lîm îng tik im-ga̍k gē-su̍t tsuan-tship, tsiong bûn-jī, gú-im, siá-tsin, im-ga̍k hâm tōng-thài iáⁿ-siōng kat ha̍p-tsuè-hué ê cd. Tsit tiuⁿ cd tshut-pán liáu-āu, guá tō khak-tīng ē-tàng īng sio-kāng ê hong-huat kap ki-su̍t khai-huat Tâi-gú gú-im su-tshut hē-thóng.

Kong-guân jī-khòng khòng-it-nî guá tsiong tē-it pán ê Tâi-gú gú-im su-tshut nńg-thé kià khì Bí-kok Kok-huē tôo-su-kuán sin-tshíng tù-tsok-kuân. Hit-tang-tsūn tsò ê lô-má-jī pán-pún in-uī bô unicode ê Tâi-gú siaⁿ-tiāu hû-hō, sóo-í kan-ná-ē-tàng iōng sòo-jī ah-sī bûn-jī piáu-sī siaⁿ-tiāu. Lāi-té tû-liáu Tâi-gú lô-má-jī í-guā, iá koh ū Tiong-bûn, kap Ing-bûn ê jī-tián. Tē-lī pán tsiong gú-im ha̍p-sîng khì kái-liông tsò ē-sái tsò kui-kù liân-suà piàn-tiāu ê kong-lîng. Kong-guân jī-khòng khòng-pat-nî guá iōng unicode tsò kàu-io̍k-pōo thui-kóng ê Tâi-uân-lô-má-jī pán-pún, iōng ing-bûn-jī bó hâm sòo-jī siaⁿ-tiāu tsò su-li̍p, sòo-jī siaⁿ-tiāu hâm hû-hō siaⁿ-tiāu ē-sái hōo-siōng tsuán-uāⁿ. Lo̍h-bué-tshiú koh ke tsi̍t-kuá Ji̍t-bûn jī-tián,tsū-án-ne tō uân-sîng tsi̍t ê ē-tàng tsi̍t-bīn táⁿ-jī, tsi̍t-bīn thiaⁿ gú-im, ìng-iōng tiān-náu tsò-uî ha̍k-si̍p Tâi-gú ê kang-kū. Hiān-tsāi tsit ē nńg-thé ê kong-lîng hâm iōng-tôo í-king tshiau-tshut guá tong-nî ê sióng-siōng hâm hi-bōng.

Khai-huat tsit-ê nńg-thé mā ū tú tio̍h tsin-tsē khùn-lân. Hó-ka-tsài mā ū tsin-tsē-lâng kā guá tàu-saⁿ-kāng. In-uī Tâi-Gú ê bûn-su-huat tâⁿ-á teh thui-kóng nā-niā, sóo-í ū tsi̍t-kuá gú-sû iá-bē piau-tsún-huà. pian-tsi̍p jī-tián ê sî-tsūn tō ài liáu khah-tsē sî-kan. Tshit-bān-guā-jī ê gú-sû lo̍k-im-sî-kan iā thua gah tsin-tn̂g. Guá tuì sì-tsa̍p-guā-huè khai-sí lo̍k-im, it-ti̍t lo̍k gah la̍k-tsa̍p-guā-huè, siaⁿ-im piàn-tsin- tsē.

Kuè-khì Tâi-gú it-ti̍t lóng bô su-bīn gú, tsit khuán siaⁿ-tiāu gú-giân tsí khò sio-pò-tshuì ē-tàng liû-thuân sòo-tshing-nî, si̍t-tsāi bô-iông-ī. Kīn pah nî lâi Tâi-uân-uē koh siū-tio̍h thóng-tī tong-kio̍k táⁿ-ap, bô siau-sit--khì, tsin-tsiàⁿ sī kî-tsik. Tâi-gú ê pìⁿ tiâu hâm siaⁿ-tiāu-kûn kiat-kòo tī sè-kài hiān-tsûn la̍k-tshing-guā-tsióng gú-giân tang-tiong ē-sái kóng sī to̍k-it bû-jī. Mué tsi̍t kù Tâi-uân-uē lóng sī siaⁿ-tiāu-kûn ê tsi̍p-ha̍p. Tuì Tâi-gú piàn-tiāu ián-sing ê ê siaⁿ-tiāu-kûn put-tsí sī it-lia̍p-it ê ūn-lu̍t tan-uī, ā-sī hûn-jiân thian sîng ê kù-huat kiat-kòo, ē-sái kóng sī jîn-luī gú-giân ê kui-pó. Giân-gí-ha̍k-tsiá Ông io̍k-tik phok-sū kóng Tâi-gú ê siaⁿ-tiāu-kûn siōng-kài ta̍t tioh lán iōng-sim thàm-thó. Guá siong-sìn Tâi-gú ê gián-kiù bô-tik-khak tiō sī phah-khui lîn-kang-tì-huī tuā-mn̂g ê só-sî. Hi-bāng ū tsi̍t li̍t, ū koh khah tsē lâng lâi o̍h Tâi-uân-uē, ū koh khah tsē ha̍k-tsiá lâi tsò Tâi-gú ê gián-kiù. Koh khah tsē bûn-ha̍k-ka hâm tsok-ka iōng Tâi-gú lâi siá in ê tsok-phín, án-ne lán Tâi-uân tio̍h-ē tsiâⁿ-tsuè sè-kài it-lia̍p-it bûn-bîng ê kok-ka.

My Mother Tongue - Taiwanese

Mother tongue is the language we heard and learned for the first time when we were born. Hometown is where we were born and raised. Regardless of whether the hometown is beautiful or ordinary, most people will be particularly attached to their hometown. I have the same feeling for Taiwanese language. Taiwanese is my mother tongue. Before I was six, I could only listen to Taiwanese. After primary school, I learned Chinese, English, Japanese and Spanish. However, I always feel that Taiwanese is the best, and speaking Taiwanese also suits me best.

More than 50 years ago, Tainan Wu Temple held Lantern Guessing on the night of Lantern Festival, and there was a riddle "Chang'e Flies to the Moon". When I was watching a book of riddles, I found out that "stealing pill" literally means stealing elixir, which seems to fit the topic. However, at the time I didn't know how to pronounce the ancient Chinese word of "stealing" in Taiwanese, so I had to use "que" to confuse it. The host didn't care about my young age, and played the drum three times first before giving me the prize. Then he told me the correct pronunciation of the word privately. I'm a Taiwanese, and I can't even say correctly a bird's name in the public. I feel very disgraceful.

In 1968, I went to the Taipei Institute of Technology to study. My classmates all spoke Chinese. Taiwanese was only used when asking for directions on a rural outing. Later, when I came to Matsu island for military service, most of the soldiers in the mechanical maintenance platoon were so-called "black hands", and they only spoke Taiwanese when repairing vehicles. At that time, I learned that Taiwanese have various accents. In 1984, when I went to Chenggong University to study linguistics, I naturally regarded Taiwanese as a research object. After reading relevant literature and doing some examples of field research, I understood gradually that Taiwanese originated from ancient Chinese language and southern Fujian colloquial speech, and later incorporated into native and foreign vocabulary. It took hundreds of years of evolution to form this beautiful and elegant language. The tone of Taiwanese is like the pentatonic scale of a musical score. The third tone is "Do", the seventh tone is "mi", and the first tone is "so". Check tones and tone sandhi make Taiwanese more musical. I often told my friends abroad that Taiwanese is a language of music and poetry. If they don't believe me, I sang the song "Antong Brother Buys Vegetables" to make them listen intently and keep saying "That is great".

In 1970, I learned computer programming skills at school. In 1991, I went to the United States to pursue a master degree. While I watched the IBM's display of "multimedia" on a personal computers, I felt that this technology was very useful and began to have the idea of ​​computerizing Taiwanese text-to-speech system. After returning home, I tried to design multimedia applications. In 1998, I made a CD for musician Jong-Teh Lin that combined text, photos, music and video. After the CD was released, I knew that the same method and technology could be used to develop a Taiwanese text-to-speech system.

In 2001, I sent the first Taiwanese text-to-speech software to the Congress library in the US to apply for copyright. The Romaji version made at that time had no Unicode tone symbols for Taiwanese, so it could only use numbers or words to express tones. In addition to Taiwanese romaji, there were Chinese and English dictionaries. In the second version, the speech synthesizer was improved to be able to make continuous tone sandhi in a sentences. In 2008, I used Unicode for the Taiwanese Romaji version issued by the Ministry of Education. I used English letters and digital tones as input, but digital tones form and symbolic tones form can be converted to each other. Later, I added some Japanese dictionaries, and finally completed a computer software that can be used as a tool for learning Taiwanese. The user can type the word and listen to the speech immediately. Now the functions and uses of this software have reached my goals and expectations back then.

There have been many difficulties in developing this software. Fortunately, I got encouragement and help from many people. Because the morphology and writing of Taiwanese is still in its infancy, the dictionaries have not yet been standardized. It takes more time to edit the dictionary. The schedule of building corpus has also been extended. The recording of more than 70,000 words is also a time-consuming task. I started recording when I was in my 40s, and continued to record until I was in my 60s. During the period, my voice changed a lot.

In the past, there was no written language in Taiwanese. It is not easy to spread it only by word of mouth. However, this tonal language has been circulated for thousands of years. In the past of one hundred years, Taiwanese has been suppressed by the ruling authorities. It is a miracle that this language has not disappeared. The tone sandhi and tone group structure of Taiwanese are unique among more than 6,000 existing languages ​​in the world. Every sentence of Taiwanese is a collection of tone groups. The tone group derived from the Taiwanese tone sandhi is not only a unique prosodic unit, but also a natural syntactic structure, which can be said to be a gem of human language (An Introduction to the Taiwanese Tone Group Parser, Yu-Chu Chang, 2013). The linguist Dr. Iok-tik Wang encouraged scholars to conduct research on Taiwanese tone groups many years ago. I believe that the study of Taiwanese may be the key to unlocking the door to artificial intelligence. I hope that one day, more people will come to learn Taiwanese and more scholars will come to study Taiwanese. More writers and authors can use Taiwanese to write their works, so that Taiwan will become a country with a unique civilization.

我的母語 - 台灣話

母語是咱們出生時第一次聽到並學到的語言。故鄉是咱們出生和成長的地方。不管故鄉是美麗或是平凡,一般人對自己的故鄉都會特別眷戀。我對自己的母語也有同樣的情感。臺灣話是我的母語。六歲以前,我只能聽講臺灣話。上小學以後,我學過中文,英文,日文和西班牙文。然而我總覺得臺灣話最好聽,說起台語來也最合我的心意。 五十多年前,台南武廟舉辦元宵燈猜,我適逢其會。當晚有個謎面「嫦娥奔月」,射鳥名一。,從鳥書查得「竊丹」從字面上解讀就是偷拿靈藥的意思,看來頗合題義。不過當時不知「竊」字台語如何發音,只好用「ㄎㄨㄟ」矇混過去。主持人看我小小年紀,也不計較,先擊三通鼓,再送獎品。私下告訴我「竊」字的正確讀法。我是台灣人,大庭廣眾之下連一隻鳥名都說不好,覺得很不光彩。






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