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蟲膠唱片 Shellac Discs

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蔡司骨董折疊相機 Zeiss Ikon folding antique camera

這台Zeiss蛇腹式折疊相機是二次戰後,父親的老闆即將被遣送回國前送他的禮物。附件還有紅色濾鏡、自拍器和三腳架。 相機使用120底片。每次拍完一張相片必須用手捲動底片,一個膠捲可拍16張。光圈、快門和對焦距離也需要用手工調整。 我在1961~1979年間都用這台相機拍照。最近一次拍攝的時間是1979年,地點是墾丁公園。 原機的外殼有點氧化剝落,我用綠色絨布將外殼整個貼上。皮套保存得相當完整。

This Zeiss folding camera was a gift from my father's boss before he was deported home after the Second World War. Accessories include a red filter, self-timer and tripod. The camera uses 120 negatives. The film had to be rolled by hand after each shot, and a roll of film could take 16 shots. Aperture, shutter and focus distance also needed to be adjusted by hand. I used this camera from 1961 to 1979. The last time I took pictures was in 1979, in Kenting Park. The original case was a little oxidised and peeling, so I used green flannel to cover the entire case. The leather case is very well preserved.

Sony 902 五吋盤式真空管錄音機

一九六八年,我在台北工專讀書,當時花六百塊錢購買一台二手的 Sony 902 五吋盤式真空管錄音機。用了五十多年, 現在還能放出當年的錄音。二十多年前,因為外箱漆皮紙有點剝落,我用油漆重新塗裝,就成了現在的樣子。

In 1968, when I was studying at the Taipei Institute of Technology, I bought a second-hand Sony 902 five-inch disc-type vacuum tube recorder for 600 yuan. For over fifty years, Recordings from that year are still available. More than 20 years ago, because the patent paper on the outer box peeled off a bit, I repainted it with paint, and it became what it is now.

我猜想戰後不久生產的真空管錄音機,數量應該不會很多。 一九九六年,突然想起寫信給日本Sony公司,詢問他們是否仍然保有操作手冊。 沒想到Sony 公司不僅寄來Sony 902操作手冊、 線路圖,還附上歷年來生產各種錄音機型錄。

I suspect that the number of vacuum tube tape recorders produced shortly after the war would not be many. In 1996, it suddenly occurred to me to write a letter to Sony company in Japan and ask if they still have the operating manual. Unexpectedly, Sony company not only sent Sony 902 operation manual, the circuit diagram is also attached to the catalog of various tape recorders produced over the years.

二十世紀日本製造的產品有很好的口碑。從Sony 公司對使用者的服務態度也能看出端倪。 前幾天,為了取出六個大中小磁鐵,花了三小時拆卸兩個 Pioneer 橢圓形喇叭,又再次見識了二十世紀日本的工藝技術之美。 台灣老一輩的工匠和技師,多少也傳承這種實事求是,一絲不苟的日本精神,可惜的是,已經逐漸凋零。

Products made in Japan in the twentieth century have a good reputation. The clue can also be seen from Sony's service attitude towards users. A few days ago, in order to take out six large, medium and small magnets, it tooks me three hours to disassemble two Pioneer oval horns, and once again I saw the beauty of Japanese craftsmanship in the 20th century. The older generation of craftsmen and technicians in Taiwan have also inherited this pragmatic and meticulous Japanese spirit to some extent. Unfortunately, it has gradually withered away.

手工紙小提琴 Violin made of paper

華堡是美國密蘇里州的小鎮。1835 由來自歐洲的移民者John and Martin D. Warren於1835年建立命名。 華堡也是移民者從東部進入西部的蓬車要道 Oregon Trail 的入口。因此這裡有許多西部開拓時期的古蹟和遺物。 1991年我在華堡的舊貨間 Trash Treasures 看到這個手工紙做的小提琴,就買下來帶回台灣。 後來用掃描器將實物存成圖形檔,小提琴也切出來加進台語語音筆記本的CD封面。

Warrensburg is a small town in the state of Missouri, USA, named after John and Martin D. Warren, settlers from Europe, who founded it in 1835. Warrensburg was also the entrance to the Oregon Trail, the main caravan route for settlers coming from the east into the west. As a result there are many monuments and relics from the pioneering days of the West. In 1991 I saw this handmade paper fiddle in the Trash Treasures, a thrift shop in the main street and bought it to bring back to Taiwan. The fiddle was then scanned and saved as a graphic file. Later the image of paper violin was cut out carefully and added to the CD cover of my Taiwanese Speech Notepad.

Lloyd's 六石電晶體收音機 Lloyd's Electronics - Six Transistor TR-6T Radio

Regency TR-1是第一個民用電晶體收音機,由美國印第安納州的印第安納波利斯市工業發展工程師協會Regency部研製,於1954年11月投入市場。當時價格49.95美元。 這台英國製造的 Lloyd's Electronics - Six Transistor TR-6T Radio 於1965年生產,袖珍型的收音機可以放在襯衫口袋內。這是我在台南市中讀書時參加大陽製藥股份有限公司舉辦的有獎徵文入選獎品。 據說當年價值新台幣500元。入選獎品還有到日本旅遊和黃金抽獎。雖然沒有抽中大獎,光是這台六石的電晶體收音機就讓我風光了好久。 只是電源使用9V積層乾電池,學生時代實在負擔不起,後來加裝整流器電源,於是成了現在的模樣。前幾天接上電池,竟然還能收聽不少電台,就把它當作紀念品收藏。

The Regency TR-1 was the first transistor radio for civilian use, developed by the Regency Division of the Society of Industrial Development Engineers in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, and introduced to the market in November 1954. The price was US$49.95. This British made Lloyd's Electronics - Six Transistor TR-6T Radio was produced in 1965 and is a pocket sized radio that fits in a shirt pocket. It was selected as a prize in an essay competition organised by Kayo Pharmaceuticals when I was a student at Tainan City High School. I was told that it was worth NT$500 back then. The prize also included a trip to Japan and a gold raffle. Although I didn't win the first prize, this six-transistor radio made me look good for a long time. The only thing is that it is powered by a 9V battery, which I couldn't afford when I was a student, so I added a rectifier power supply and it became what it is now. A few days ago, I connected it to the battery and was able to listen to many radio stations, so I kept it as a souvenir.

DOS 時代的多媒體光碟 The DOS Version of Multimedia CD

DOS 版的多媒體編輯器(VIKON Multimedia Editor for DOS) Demo

在我學習電腦的時代,使用電腦的人必須自己撰寫程式。那時候的通用程式語言是Assembly, FORTRAN和COBOL。 即使到了1980年代,個人電腦問世以後,應用軟體仍然相當有限。剛開始使用微軟DOS作業系統的人, 仍然必須撰寫自己需要的應用程式。我自己就曾經寫過文書處理、資料管理、多媒體編輯播放工具和專家系統程式。

大約在1990年,多媒體開始在美國萌芽,把文字、圖片、聲音和影像整合在一起。一直流行到今天。 其實DOS和Windows的多媒體在本質上並無不同。只是在DOS跑多媒體,必須安裝高檔的繪圖卡和音效卡。 除了花大錢以外,不論使用者或程式開發者都必須對作業系統有更深入的了解。隨著時間的推移。硬體的功能和執行速度已經大幅提升。 Windows的多媒體不論程式開發或使用都比較容易上手。DOS 時代的多媒體軟體本就不多。到了Windows系統盛行時,軟體就如同雨後春荀般, 不可勝數。隨著這股潮流,我也曾把在DOS開發的程式移植到Windows。從前在DOS版的多媒體編輯和播放系統,不久後也束之高閣,成了古董。

現在的電腦幾乎無法執行DOS程式。不過,電腦世界實在奇妙。不少人對曾經用過的DOS遊戲軟體情有獨鍾。 念念不忘之餘,甚至有人開發出可以在新版Windows執行的DOS系統模擬器。例如 DOSBOX 和 DOSBOX staging。 我用它在 Windows 10 執行1990's 開發的DOS軟體,幾乎可以完全相容。 因此,雖是老舊的多媒體光碟, 也就值得收藏了。

DOS 版的多媒體播放器(TITES Multimedia Player for DOS) Demo

In the days when I was studying computers, people who used computers had to write their own programs. The common programming languages ​​at that time were Assembly, FORTRAN and COBOL. Even in the 1980s, after the advent of the personal computer, software applications were still fairly limited. People who are new to Microsoft's DOS operating system still have to write the applications they need. In 1990s I myself have written word processing, data management, multimedia editing and playback tools and expert system programs.

Around 1990, multimedia began to sprout in the United States, integrating text, pictures, sound, and video. popular to this day. In fact, the multimedia of DOS and Windows is not different in essence. Just run multimedia in DOS, you must install a high-end graphics card and sound card. In addition to spending a lot of money, both users and program developers must have a deeper understanding of the operating system. AS time goes by, The functionality and execution speed of the hardware has been greatly improved. Windows multimedia is relatively easy to use regardless of program developers or users. There were not many multimedia software in the DOS era. When the Windows system prevailed, innumerable software was like spring shoots after rain. With this trend, I have also ported programs developed in DOS to Windows. The multimedia editing and playback system that used to be in the DOS version was soon put on the shelf and became an antique.

Today's computers are almost incapable of executing DOS programs. However, the computer world is amazing. Many people have a soft spot for the DOS game software they have used. After thinking about it, some people even developed a DOS system emulator that can be executed in the new version of Windows. For example DOSBOX and DOSBOX staging. I use it to run DOS software developed in the 1990's on Windows 10 and it is almost fully compatible. Therefore, although it is an old multimedia CD, it is also worth collecting.

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Copyright July 1996. All rights reserved.

Last update : 2022-02-12
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